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Rules Questions - Vampire questions-- Blood lust fail/Bitten Thrall

metalhed - Nov 09, 2012 - 03:37 PM
Post subject: Vampire questions-- Blood lust fail/Bitten Thrall
Greetings First post.
I am running a vampire team, after running humans for 3 seasons.

My question is about BL. During play I had 1 Vamp stuck in the middle of the field, with no Thralls in range.

Is he just stuck, based on the Potential of no Thralls in range?? Meaning I should not move him, due to the possibility of rolling a 1.

So the situation was, I attempted to move the Vamp. Rolled a 1!!! No one is close and I am stuck, do I finish the turn and block, dodge, run etc, or does he immediately get removed? We finished the play, no damage done, and off to the box he went.

Second question. When biting a Thrall, the rules state a Casualty is treated as Badly Hurt (I beleive he is out for the rest of the game) BUT if it is a stun or lesser roll, Does the Thrall remain on the field??

Monkey Madness Coach (Vampires)
dode74 - Nov 09, 2012 - 03:48 PM
Post subject: RE: Vampire questions-- Blood lust fail/Bitten Thrall
1. You that Vampire's move then the Vampire is removed to the reserves and an immediate turnover occurs. No further players can take a turn.
2. Yes, the thrall treats any injury as they would normally, except a casualty is always BH.
Grumbledook - Nov 09, 2012 - 04:59 PM
Post subject: RE: Vampire questions-- Blood lust fail/Bitten Thrall
looks like you are missing a "do" in your answer to q1 dode ;]

the biting takes place at the end of the vampires action, so even though you know he going off the field, you can still move / block / blitz /foul, however passing, handing off and scoring happen after you bite, so you would be unable to do those last three actions (you can declare a pass or hand off though, and perhaps go pick up the ball, move with the ball etc just like in a move action, you just can't then give the ball to a team mate until you bite, but you can use this to perhaps run the ball somewhere else you would prefer to drop it when they leave the field)

stunned thralls are stunned just the same as if they failed a dodge, hit by the opponents, same with a KO, they go into the KO box
dode74 - Nov 09, 2012 - 05:35 PM
Post subject: RE: Vampire questions-- Blood lust fail/Bitten Thrall
Yes I am missing a "do". Thanks - I was editing on the fly because my original answer was even more poorly worded than that one Razz
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