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General - about time...

KLK - Dec 20, 2012 - 04:18 PM
Post subject: about time...
Yes... about time...

I learn how to play in 2002, in Cambridge, England, and bring back to my colombian country 16 teams, and later, I get more, using all kind of ways: ordering, asking, praying, crying... back then, we have no chance to get stuff from outside, nor even by internet.

But we have a GREAT time, me and my friends play with my teams at least 5 leagues, everyone was happy, we built stadiums, and the Bald Eagles won the Blood Bowl 2 times...

Then, the tragedy, in 2006, a moron stole the case with 14 teams... total lost... no way to recover it, no value in the black market... I was down. The Eagles were safe, because the have their own box. But I lost hope... no money, no teams, no job, no family...

The life improves slowly, but I was still mad at myself. One day, in 2011, a good friend says that he has a new computer game... which one? Blood Bowl, dude, you know something about it? I always lost my games...

I said, OK, lets take a look... I cannot describe what it was like, just imagine coming back to something you really love, after a long, long time.

Back home, I search the old box... I found it... Inside, full of dust, were the Eagles, and their leader: Griff Oberwald. It took me a while to strip the paint, and to make a ton of business with GW, Ebay and other stores, but a few months later, the Eagles and 12 more of my favorite teams were ready to play again!

a few friends of mine also get teams, we already play the first tournament in years, a league, and the CBBL is back on duty.

so, thanks for reading my story, as soon as I can, I'll show you some pics of the 'new' teams

BTW, is still Indigo around?
Kilowoggy - Dec 20, 2012 - 06:38 PM
Post subject: RE: about time...
It's awesome to see you get back into the game. Glad you guys are are having fun with it!
daht - Dec 20, 2012 - 07:26 PM
Post subject: RE: about time...
YES! Colobmia is back on the accepted list of countries to flee to in the case of a US collapse or other legal emergencies!

Congrats Smile
Grumbledook - Dec 20, 2012 - 07:31 PM
Post subject: Re: about time...
      KLK wrote:
BTW, is still Indigo around?

unfortunately yes ;]

though he moved to london many years ago
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