NAF World Headquarters

North America - Dagger Bowl VI - Ottawa, ON - Feb. 23rd, 2013

Daggers - Jan 22, 2013 - 10:45 AM
Post subject: Dagger Bowl VI - Ottawa, ON - Feb. 23rd, 2013
Monster Mayhem on the gridiron...both on and off the pitch....

This tournament is part of the East Coast Grand Prix (ECGP)...

Kick-Off table

February 23rd, 2013

D'Agostino residence
1228 Southwood Dr.
Ottawa, ON

$25-NAF members, $35- Non-NAF members (with $10 going towards NAF membership sign-up). The returning Champion from last year gets a $5 discount.

Food included.

4-games of Blood Bowl. Swiss-style match-ups after game 1. Tournament points are W/T/L - 3/1/0. The Monster themed modified Kick-off table is in effect.

1.15mil team build to start. Each coach must purchase a minimum of 11 players. You may also purchase re-rolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, cheerleaders and apothecaries. No skills or stat increases of any kind may be purchased.

All Monster/Big Guys are 1/2 price and come with Pro for free, except for Ogre teams, their Big Guys are full price, but may purchase snotlings for 1/2 price (10k instead of 20k), but all Ogres still get Pro for free. Prices for Monsters/Big Guys is as follows:
Beast of Nurgle……………………………………..$70,000
Rat Ogre……………………………………..………..$80,000
Deathroller…………………………………….……. $80,000

Most races are not allowed to purchase inducements or star players for the tournament. However, a couple of the inducements are permitted for Goblin and Halfling teams.

The Goblin team may purchase 0-3 Bribes for 50,000 gps each.

The Halfling team may purchase a Halfling Master Chef for 50,000gps or Deeptroot Strongbranch for 250,000 gps.
**You are allowed to have two treeman AND Deeproot on your team simultaneously.

Each team may give out the following skills:
• 2 regular skills + 1 doubles skills
• 3 regular skills

As well, to promote race diversity, certain races are given additional skills. The following races get additional skills as listed.
• Chaos, Chaos Pact, High Elves, Elves, Humans, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann
o 1 additional regular skill

• Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Vampires, Underworld
o 1 additional regular skill + 1 additional doubles skill

No player may recieve more than one skill upgrade during team creation. And no more than one of each skill may be taken during team creation.

More information to follow...

1 Adam J (odd man out)
2 Mark H (odd man out)
3 Mike O
4 Gord M
5 Chris E
6 Peter M
7 Colin K
8 Ryan M
9 Manu L
10 Colin R
11 Francois C
12 Kohl H
13 Ryan H
14 Leathan K

Glenn J
Stephane C
Pat L
Stephanie L
Pat G
Grither - Jan 22, 2013 - 09:55 PM
Post subject:
Wish I could make it up again, not happening this year though. Have a great smash fest with the Bigs!
Gulag_Urag - Jan 24, 2013 - 10:37 AM
Post subject:
Since you didn't let a broken leg stop you from treking up to the cold and inhospitable wasteland to beat me last year, I cringe at the thought of what is keeping you at bay this time around. Wink

I am already trying to wriggle the boys free of the vice like grip that impedes my tournament life. Put me down for a definite and solid "maybe" Mark. A quick shave and some butter could increase that to a "probably" but I will wait until closer to the deadline so the curlies don't grow back to early.
Daggers - Jan 24, 2013 - 11:44 AM
Post subject:
@Grither - WTF?!?!? Can't you swing another business trip to our fiar city? Too bad, you will be missed.

@Gulag_Urag - Do you want me to shave and bring the butter? The boys in the vice-grip is your own problem.
Daggers - Feb 13, 2013 - 06:08 AM
Post subject:
So, I normally don't like changing rules last minute, but enough people have asked about the tiered skillset created for CCKO that I thought to incorporate it into Dagger Bowl. Original post has been updated. Now everyone can bring Halflings, hurray....

As well, I will be posting the official rulset and custom kick-off table momentarily (better late than never)....

Also, I would like to get an idea of numbers, so can people let me know if they are coming or not so I can organize food.

Daggers - Feb 13, 2013 - 06:29 AM
Post subject:
I am also going to try something a little different for sportsmanship. Since I don't want to remove it entirely, but find the currently used system is not ideal, I am going to try out the following:

At the end of the tournament, each coach will score their opponents on sportsmanship, ranking them from 1-4 (1 being the lowest, 4 being the highest score). These scores are ranked from your tournament experience, so giving one coach a score of one (1) does not mean he was a bad opponent, it simply means he was not your favorite game. At the end of the tournament, the scores will be added up, and the highest scoring total will be crowned “Mr. Nice Guy”. As well, the average of your score over the 4 games will be added to your total game play points to decide final positioning.
Chewblocka - Feb 13, 2013 - 09:00 AM
Post subject:
      Dwarfrunner wrote:
So, I normally don't like changing rules last minute, but enough people have asked about the tiered skillset created for CCKO that I thought to incorporate it into Dagger Bowl. Original post has been updated. Now everyone can bring Halflings, hurray....

Gee. Now I have to re-tool my list, jackass. Talk about succumbing to peer pressure! :P

I suppose now that my Slann will be a bit better off now, so thanks I guess. Looking forward to it. See y'all then.
Daggers - Feb 13, 2013 - 09:36 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, I know. But I actually liked the bonus skills concept. So it works. Now you can dominate even more with your Slann.
Daggers - Feb 19, 2013 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
Only afew days left..see everyone Saturday for some BB action.
wapcaplets - Feb 19, 2013 - 07:30 PM
Post subject:
Couple of questions:

- What's the start time and anticipated finish time?
- 3 games or four?
Daggers - Feb 20, 2013 - 06:19 AM
Post subject:
8:30-9 is registration, but if you want to email your roster in ahead of time, then really before 9 is all you need to aim for to start.

4 games is being played, I am aiming for 8-8:30 finish time. (I am getting some extra timers to enforce time).
Daggers - Feb 25, 2013 - 04:54 AM
Post subject:
Another weekend of Blood Bowl, another champion has been crowned. Colin Keillar and his skaven commie rats were victorious. Also taking home best of fence and defense (both on tie breakers). Manu Leclerc and his Orcs took home most violent and indestructible. Ryan Hedley took home the Wooden spoon/spanking award. And Ryan MacKenzie took home he Mr Nice Guy award.

Thanks to everyone hat came out, and see everyone soon. Full rankings will be posted later on, matches are already inputted.
runki_khrum - Feb 25, 2013 - 07:31 AM
Post subject:
Had a great time Daggers. Thanks to all my opponents for games well played. Mark's cookie fortune "special moment" is now celebrated by my Commie Rats as "Bullfrog!".
Chewblocka - Feb 26, 2013 - 05:33 PM
Post subject:
Better Red than dead... Uh, better dead than Red. And a you can never have enough dead Red rats! Next time, Colin. Next time.

Thanks again Daggers. Did a lot better than I though I would with Slann, especially with my special Meers Moment. If only that luck carried on to the last game... At least I made it to the top table, unlike Adam. Razz
jrock56 - Feb 26, 2013 - 10:40 PM
Post subject:
      Zap_Rowsdower wrote:
Better Red than dead... Uh, better dead than Red. And a you can never have enough dead Red rats! Next time, Colin. Next time.

Thanks again Daggers. Did a lot better than I though I would with Slann, especially with my special Meers Moment. If only that luck carried on to the last game... At least I made it to the top table, unlike Adam. Razz

This from the guy who gets blown out in his last game 4-1...and finishes below me in the standings Rolling Eyes I believe I finished in 2nd place and was the only other player without a loss (other than Colin of course) Once again you failed to make the cut....we should change your name to Zap_Losehowever Razz

Had a great time as always at the Tourney, Big Thank you to Daggers for hosting. Some great games and my first time ever playing Rando, which was an awesome rollercoaster of events!! Your Commie (Dirty) Rats squeaked by me this time Colin, I'll get you next time hopefully! Congrats
Chewblocka - Feb 27, 2013 - 08:23 AM
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Still doesn't change the fact that you failed to make it to the top table...
jrock56 - Feb 28, 2013 - 01:15 AM
Post subject:
At least if I did make it I would have represented being on the top table better than your pitiful showing there!! One and done means nothing and to top it off you weren't even top 3 afterward Crying or Very sad
Daggers - Feb 28, 2013 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
Thanks again to all who attended. Hope everyone had as much fun playing as I did watching. Some pretty awesome games were played.

Here are the final standings:
Rank. Coach (race)/Final pts/TD/CAS
1. Colin Keillar (Skaven)/10/11-3/ 6-13 [Tournament Champion, Best Offence, Best Defence]
2. Adam Jones (Chaos Pact)/8/6-4/13-6
3. Peter Meers (Wood Elf)/7/11-6/5-5
4. Manu Leclerc (Orc)/7/5-3/14-3 [Most Violent, Indestructible]
5. Mark Hickling (Slann)/7/7-7/8-9
6. Leathan Keillar (Wood Elf)/6/7-7/4-7
7. Mike Olson (Chaos Dwarf)/5/4-4/10-10
8. Chris Engler (Ogre)/5/2-3/10-11
9. Ryan MacKenzie (Chaos Pact)/4/5-6/10-9 [Mr. Nice Guy]
10. Gord McDougall (Chaos Pact)/4/4-6/7-8
11. Kohl Hedley (Chaos)/3/5-9/5-3
12. Ryan Hedley (High Elf)/0/3-12/1-9 [Wooden Spoon]

Best Offence, best defence and indestructible awards were all decided by tie-breakers. Some interesting notes, Peter Meers won his first game 6-1, but still managed to lose out on the best offence in a four-game tournament (he scored over 50% of his TDs in that one game). Manu Leclerc laid a beatdown in his final game to leapfrog Adam Jones for Most violent. No surprise, two of the speedy agility teams tied for most TDs. And the Ogre team managed to be in the running for best defence.

See everyone soon.
Chewblocka - Feb 28, 2013 - 11:47 AM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
At least if I did make it...

But you didn't. Stop making excuses, Adam. Jeeze Louise.
Rando - Feb 28, 2013 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
Yeah Adam, even I recorded a win on table 1!

And it was in round 1. Table 1 in Round 1; that should be worth double points for all the ones involved!
Clan_Skaven - Feb 28, 2013 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
      Rando wrote:
Yeah Adam, even I recorded a win on table 1!

And it was in round 1. Table 1 in Round 1; that should be worth double points for all the ones involved!

I dunno anyone can start on table one even someone like me, lol
jrock56 - Feb 28, 2013 - 03:52 PM
Post subject:
I'm guessing that my problem here is that I don't think about just 'PLAYING' on table 1 anymore....kind of a been there an done thoughts are always on winning the whole thing! Guess there are some small minded people out there, not that I'm naming names of course Razz
Clan_Skaven - Feb 28, 2013 - 04:03 PM
Post subject:
      jrock56 wrote:
I'm guessing that my problem here is that I don't think about just 'PLAYING' on table 1 anymore....kind of a been there an done thoughts are always on winning the 2006 SPIKE Championship!

Yes Adam that is something to shoot for, but until you invent a time machine, that will never happen.

I mean I am truly flattered that you'd covet my prize so dearly. Poor poor Adam, there will only be one 2006 SPIKE Champion.
Chewblocka - Feb 28, 2013 - 09:38 PM
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Bwahahahaha! Awesome.
Lizardcore - Mar 01, 2013 - 06:42 AM
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@ clan_skaven: are you starting the smack talk for the Qermitt ? or this one is just for free (I admit Adam is always a great source of inspiration)
Clan_Skaven - Mar 04, 2013 - 10:15 AM
Post subject:
yo Daggers!
this past dagger bowl has to be the longest running tourney ever,,,, 10 years for one tourney, wow now thats dedication....

But if a winner is already crowned what are you all doing until 2023-02-23 , a circle jerk? Is that why it is called the Dagger Bowl, lets compare our Daggers? Laughing Laughing Laughing

If your lost for what I'm pointing fun at, look up upcoming tournies & look at the Dagger Bowl start and end date... Man 10 yrs you guys are dedicated to your Daggers
Daggers - Mar 04, 2013 - 11:11 AM
Post subject:
Haha, thats right, we are hardcore BBers up here. Interesting typo. Oh well.
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