NAF World Headquarters

General - Points changes

sann0638 - Feb 03, 2013 - 02:55 PM
Post subject: Points changes
I remember seeing a page where you could see how much points go up and down in each game you play - can someone tell me how to find it, please?
lunchmoney - Feb 04, 2013 - 05:07 AM
Post subject:
Found this in the FAQ


No, really, how is Coach Rating calculated?


Coach rating is calculated by a complex formula and isn't for the weak of heart. It's based on the ELO ranking system. Here is the formula as it stands: Win Probability = 1/(10^((Opponent???s Rating ??? Your Rating)/150) + (( Opponent's TR - Your TR)/70)))+ 1) This probability is then used to recalculate each player???s rating after the match. In the equation below, players receive 1 point if they win the match, 0 if they lose, and 0.5 for a draw. Players??? new ratings are determined as follows: Player???s New Rating = Player ???s Old Rating + (K-Value * (Scoring Points ??? Player???s Win Probability)) The number of NAF coaches in the tournament determines K Value in this equation. The formula is: K value = sqaure(Number of NAF coaches) * 2 Example: Bud, Lizardmen ??? 150 CR, 100 TR John, Orcs ??? 150 CR, 100 TR People in the tournament ??? 24 Bud defeats John: Win probability for Bud = 1/(10^((150-150)/150)+((100-100)/70))+1) = .5

Some formatting errors there are making a lot of ??? appear but that's a direct copy/paste from the page.
Grumbledook - Feb 04, 2013 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
if you check your match records it will show how many points were exchanged on each match
sann0638 - Feb 04, 2013 - 04:27 PM
Post subject:
Ah, found it. Need to click on My Coach Page, then Tournaments attended, then the individual tournament. Couldn't find it anywhere else.
lunchmoney - Feb 07, 2013 - 12:13 AM
Post subject:
Sorry, I read that as you were after the formula! D'oh!
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