NAF World Headquarters

North America - Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th, 2013

Gaixo - Feb 12, 2013 - 08:51 AM
Post subject: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th, 2013

After the success of the first Atlantic Coast Charity Cup, we’re coming back for another go. We had 28 coaches last year, and all but a few were local, so if we can start drawing some out-of-towners it could get to be a pretty big event.

Once again, all money taken in will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project, a charity that helps disabled war veterans with rehabilitation and job placement. We have a bunch of great sponsors this year, and plenty of prizes to go around.

The tournament is held in Virginia Beach, VA, and those few traveling coaches we drew last year seemed to really enjoy the local beaches and such. It does get pretty touristy in the summer, so I would advise making arrangements as early as possible. Please let me know if you need any recommendations as far as food, lodging, or entertainment.

Here are the rules:
and here is the secure donation page where you can pay for preregistration ($25):

I’ll have updates as dice and prizes come in, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Gaixo - Mar 14, 2013 - 11:56 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
So the prizes and pledges are coming in.

Stuff I've got on hand:
-3 full teams
-roughly 30 single miniatures
-3 fields
-20 sets of dice
-8 vinyl dugouts
-Dreadball demo kit
-various little accessories
-Secret Weapon gift certificates

Stuff that is supposed to be on the way:
-at least a couple more teams
-a bunch more singles
-some sideline accessories from Battleboards
-whatever Fantasy Bowl Dices send us
-whatever WCQ sends us

And most exciting of all, our main raffle prize will be a team panted by the illustrious James Wappel.

So come win some stuff.
happyfett - Apr 01, 2013 - 08:13 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
Hey Gaixo, nice meeting you this past weekend.
Mick and I will be making the trip down for this event and we will be bringing the stuny parade with us again! We will have another coach with us who also promised to play a stunty team!

NOVA Stunties will take the Stunty Cup home with us again! Mwahah!
Gaixo - Apr 01, 2013 - 08:34 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
Haha, awesome. I think last year's Stunty Cup winner is bringing his ogres back, so it should be quite a battle for that particular trophy.

We'll certainly be glad to have you guys come down. If possible, try to register before the end of June so you don't miss out on anything (preregistrants get an extra [and extra-fancy] set of custom dice, a dugout and a goofy nametag).
happyfett - Apr 01, 2013 - 09:46 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
I will likely register once I figure out which list I want to run. I'm still very confident in my list I ran this weekend, I'd really like to see how it works when I'm not having a bad luck streak!

Ogres get a bad rap, but they are one of the better Stunty teams in my opinion.
Gaixo - Apr 19, 2013 - 07:00 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
The first round of prizes have been listed:
Trophies and one of the custom dice sets are on there, as well.

There's still a lot of stuff to be received, but our generous sponsors have us off to a very good start.
Gaixo - Jun 26, 2013 - 06:34 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
Preregistration ends on Sunday, so please get in touch if you're interested in signing up. We've got 34 coaches so far, and I'm told that several more are on their way, so it should be a fairly big tournament with a ton of great prizes. It's not too late to plan a trip if you don't want to miss out.
Gaixo - Jul 16, 2013 - 08:59 AM
Post subject: RE: Atlantic Coast Charity Cup - Va. Beach, VA - July 13th,
The ACCC 2013 was a great success. We had 46 coaches and raised $2,202 for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Trophy winners were:
Champion - Evan Doyle - Sharknadoes - Chaos Dwarf
2nd Place - Rick Sidebotham - Undead as a Door Nail - Undead
Stunty Cup - Jamie Fischer - Knee-High Cock-Knockers - Goblin
High-Scorer (10 TDs) - Collins Mullen - Sherwood Shenanigans - Wood Elf
Most Violent (17 Cas.) - Michael Joyce - Ale Maximus - Dwarf
Best Defense (1 TD) - Chris Rumpf - Bone Machine - Khemri
SPR Team Spirit Award - Jeremiah Dillon - Super Pactastic Renegades - Chaos Pact
Best Painted - Brian Moore - R.O.U.S. - (Rat) Ogre
Anchorman Award for Last Place - Shane Caraker - Valasca Valkyries - Amazon

Full results can be found here:
Photos can be found here:
And the ACCC Facebook page is here:

Thanks to everyone who supported the event and our cause.
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