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Rules Questions - Running out of players on the pitch

quietdominator - Feb 22, 2013 - 11:05 PM
Post subject: Running out of players on the pitch
If one team puts all the opponents in either the KO box or the Cas box. Say half in each on turn 8 of the second half and the other team is on turn 7 of the second half. Neither team has scored and the team that put them out just can not pick up the ball. Is the game a tie? This came up and the players played it like that. But I was just wordering was that correct and where can I find that?
Darkson - Feb 23, 2013 - 12:07 AM
Post subject: RE: Running out of players on the pitch
P.11 of the CRP pdf (p.15 on the bottom):
In the rare event that one team has no players to set up after
KO"d rolls, both teams' turn markers are moved forward along
the turn track two spaces and if one team could field at least one
player then that team is awarded a touchdown (however no
player receives Star Player points (see page 25) for this.If this
takes the number of turns to 8 or more for both teams, then the
half ends. If there are still turns left in the half, then continue
playing as if a drive has just ended (i.e. clear the pitch and roll for
KO'd players).

Gaixo - Feb 23, 2013 - 05:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Running out of players on the pitch
Right, but if it's the middle of a drive when the last player is cleared, there are no special rules? The remaining team doesn't get a free touchdown?
Kilowoggy - Feb 23, 2013 - 09:09 AM
Post subject: RE: Running out of players on the pitch
Yeah, if it's the middle of a drive, you still have to pick up ball and score before special rules go into effect.
quietdominator - Feb 25, 2013 - 02:18 PM
Post subject: RE: Running out of players on the pitch
So once you have put the other team completely off the pitch you sort of play by your self until you score the TD. That sounds like fun. So in this case the other team sort of packed up and went home and the Dwarfs still could not score. lol.
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