NAF World Headquarters

General - Personal team ranking

Taxal - Feb 25, 2013 - 10:43 AM
Post subject: Personal team ranking
If you had to take the 24 teams and put them in order with your favorite in first and working down the list. How would it look?
Use the criteria as everything from tournament play, league play, painting, etc.
Gaixo - Feb 25, 2013 - 11:28 AM
Post subject: RE: Personal team ranking
These are based primarily on what teams I find fun to play. I'm often won over by ideas for themed teams or by models that I like, however. So, for instance, I will probably run Amazon, ogre and vampire teams before I get around to skaven or underworld.

1. Dark Elf
2. Slann
3. Chaos Dwarf
4. Chaos Pact
5. Necromantic
6. Nurgle
7. Goblin
8. Human
9. Skaven
10. Dwarf
12. Elf
13. Wood Elf
14. Undead
15. Vampire
16. Halfling
17. Amazon
18. High Elf
19. Ogre
20. Norse
21. Orc
22. Lizardmen
23. Khemri
24. Chaos
Darkson - Feb 25, 2013 - 12:22 PM
Post subject: RE: Personal team ranking

I haven't ranked Vampire, as I haven't played them since LRB3 or 4 era, so not really sure, but I'm guessing they're going to be somewhere between #14 and #20.
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