NAF World Headquarters

North America - Thunderkrunch IV "Deathbowl VS PKU" June 1

blammaham - Mar 06, 2013 - 09:16 AM
Post subject: Thunderkrunch IV "Deathbowl VS PKU" June 1
Thunderkrunch IV: Blood bowl VS PKU Megabowl tournament charity event. 

The mega bowl VS PKU is a charity event to support CanPKU an organization that advocates on behalf of Canadians afflicted with PKU. 

June 1st, 2013 

1068 Hornby Street. Vancouver, BC


3 games of Mega bowl (rules will be  provided) Swiss parings per table. Ties in game, resolved by SPP gained in game, if still tied roll off!.  First 10 points. Second 7 points.  Third 3 points. Fourth 1 point +1 point for every touchdown scored.  Table seating arrangements will be explained at the event, simply put, however, 1 plays 2, 3 plays 4.  2 minute timed turns strictly adhered to will ensure the day will not be longer than a regular 4 game tournament. 
We will be using the CRP rules along with the 3 additional BBRC approved teams. Top table will roll weather for all. Resurrection style tournament, all injuries and deaths and teams will be reset after each game. 

Food will be available at the event to help keep us on schedule. The cost of which will be by donation. Drinks will also be by donation, (beer min 3$ 4$ premium)

Saturday June 1st:
Registration: 8:00am - 8:30am 
(work out times)
Game 1: 9:30am - 12:00pm 
Lunch: 12:00pm - 12:30pm 
Game 2: 12:30pm - 3:00pm 
Game 3: 3:15pm - 5:45pm 

Awards: to follow. 

Coaches will have 1,250,000 gold crowns with which to build a  team. Each coach must purchase a minimum of 11 players (including star players). You may also purchase re-rolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, cheerleaders and apothecaries. No skills or stat increases of any kind may be purchased. Apothecaries work as described in CRP/LRB6.0 rules and may not be used on Star Players. 

May be purchased out of your starting gold with the exception of wizards. NO WIZARDS!  Star players are welcome!
Goblin teams may purchase bribes and Halfling teams may purchase a Halfling Master Chef, all as per standard CRP/LRB6.0 rules. 

Standard skill pack will be available to every team. 6 regular skills or 4 regular skills and 1 double or 2 regular skills and 2 doubles or 3 doubles. 

The following awards are available to be won. A maximum of one performance and or hobby award can be won by any coach. 

Performance Awards: 
1st Place: Awarded to the coach with the most tournament points. 
2nd Place: Awarded to the coach with the second most tournament points. 
3rd Place: Awarded to the coach with the third most tournament points. 
Stunty Champion: Awarded to the coach with the most tournament points playing a Stunty team. (Halflings, goblins, Ogre, lizardmen with no saurus, under world with no skaven)
Most Touchdowns: Awarded to the coach who scored the most touchdowns. 
Most Casualties: Awarded to the coach who accumulated the most casualties from blocking, fouling and or crowd pushes. 
Wooden Spoon: Awarded to the coach with the lowest number of tournament points. 

Hobby Awards: 
Best Team: Awarded to the coach whose team earned the most votes (T.O. will be tie breaking vote if required) 
PACNW Attitude: Awarded to the coach with the highest amount of sportsmanship points. 

Will be very simple, send the team spreadsheet to: and include; 
and attach your roster spreadsheet. 

Payment will be at the door.
blammaham - May 26, 2013 - 01:17 AM
Post subject:
One week exactly until this charity event gets going! 21 guys already signed up! S.
generaljason - May 26, 2013 - 05:36 AM
Post subject:
Awesome. Looking forward to this! Very Happy
blammaham - May 27, 2013 - 12:28 AM
Post subject:
Roster sheets went out last night! Six more sleeps.
blammaham - May 27, 2013 - 06:20 PM
Post subject:
Rosters have started to come in. So far one Goblin team and one Human! S.
blammaham - May 29, 2013 - 08:29 PM
Post subject:
Now up to 22 Coaches! Rosters continue to pour in! Looking to be a great time for the West Coast's first Death bowl tournament! S.
generaljason - Jun 02, 2013 - 01:45 AM
Post subject:
What a great tournament!! Very Happy Beer, BBQ and Deathbowl all day. The four 50K cards per player made the game so much fun. Thanks Steve for running this year's Thunderkrunch and already looking forward to Spike!
blammaham - Jun 13, 2013 - 11:48 PM
Post subject:
I am unabashedly proud of Thunderbowl, but I have never been more proud than I am now!

18 months ago I had a baby born with a rare inherited metabolic disorder known as PKU. A disease that if left untreated results in a litany of health problems not the least of which is sever mental retardation. The treatment for PKU is a diet highly restricted in Phenylalanine, which is found in varying degrees in most food.

Where I live the acess to the best treatments are not as available as they should be. There is a group of people that work tirelessly to advocate for patients and family's living with PKU, CanPKU. Through donations, entry fee, and consesstions we raised $850.00 for CanPKU to continue the hard work they do.

Not only did 20 Thunderbowlers show up to play Deathbowl, a game many had never played before, everyone went above and beyond the call of duty with their generosity and sportsmanship. It was a great day and a bigger success than I could have possibly imagined!

An extra special thanks have to go out to Lord Chaos, General Jason and Tentusdementus for making the really cool Deathbowl boards, to Nit Nit for getting that great room for a nominal fee, and lastly but certainly not leastly I have to thank Thunderbowl commissioner Poundfist, without his expertise in crunching the numbers " Deathbowl VS PKU" wouldn't have happened!

I'm truly touched that we were able to do this an it means the world to me to be able to help those that are trying so hard to help folks in my position. S.
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