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Rules Questions - Wild Animal with Declared Blitz

SuM - Mar 13, 2013 - 05:38 AM
Post subject: Wild Animal with Declared Blitz
Is it legal to declare a Blitz with Wild Animal and not throw the block at the end of a turn??

Ex. Mino needs to be down field, he is not in any tackle zones. Blitz is declared, so instead of needing a 4+ to move he needs a 2+ to move and Blitz. He moves his allotted MV amount, but hits no one.

Another ex. Mino is prone, no opponent is in his tackle zone... He needs a 4+ to stand up, calling the Blitz, he can stand on a 2+. He doesn't hit anyone.

A few in my league do this...
Grumbledook - Mar 13, 2013 - 06:04 AM
Post subject: RE: Wild Animal with Declared Blitz
yes that is perfectly fine as every player can do this (apart from ball and chain players who only do move actions)

just like you can declare a pass action and not actually pass
Daggers - Mar 13, 2013 - 09:13 AM
Post subject: RE: Wild Animal with Declared Blitz
Its quite a useful tactic, many people use it. Monsters are so finicky anyways, anything to keep them in the play helps.
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