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Strategy and Tactics - Amazon Tactics (BBM8)

Tutenkharnage - Jun 26, 2003 - 06:59 AM
Post subject: Amazon Tactics (BBM8)
Looks like my article finally saw print! Two minor corrections:

1. When playing against faster teams such as Wood Elves and Skaven, a spread offense will help minimize the defense's advantage on a Blitz or Perfect Defense, not a Blitz or Quick Snap. I can't believe I wrote that, but I did! (I thought Andy Hall might have slipped in a typo, ha!)

2. When playing Dwarves, you should dodge away from a Longbeard is the situation is "dire." I never defined "dire"! In a nutshell, if you're going to get smoked next turn, try to get out. If you're left one on one, try to hit him instead if a knockdown on your player won't leave you in bad shape. Oh, and try to keep the opponent's Guards tied up mano-a-femano. Remember, they're no good if they aren't assisting other players.


Doubleskulls - Jun 26, 2003 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
What about the illegal 3-4-4 setup? Wink

Actually I quite like spread offence as insurance against a Blitz. At least it normally means your opponent has to blitz your line to be able to get through and put pressure on the ball.
Tutenkharnage - Jun 26, 2003 - 09:07 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
What about the illegal 3-4-4 setup? Wink

That was Andy's doing, not mine Smile

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