NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Waterbowl Weekender IX - Feb 15/16 2014 - Stockport

Leipziger - Nov 18, 2013 - 10:40 AM
Post subject: Waterbowl Weekender IX - Feb 15/16 2014 - Stockport
Hi all,

The WB will be back once again next year with it usual gamut of great games, great gamers, prizes, (hopefully) free curry and a bevvy of hot Danes for your delectation. Not to mention the aural pleasure that is the Now That's I What I Call Waterbowl CD!

We've got 20 or so paid up already but there is plenty of room for more! Click on over to TFF or the WB forum for more details.

The price will still be £20 NAF (£25 Non-Naf, includes membership)

Monkeybowl will be on April 5/6 2014 and will be back to an individual event. Monkeybowl discount will mean £25 gets you into both tournaments.

Payment to (via PayPal)
or depending on your preference.
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