NAF World Headquarters

Europe - ARBBL Pick'n'Mix, Andover, 1st/2nd Nov 2014

Darkson - Nov 29, 2013 - 08:52 AM
Post subject: ARBBL Pick'n'Mix, Andover, 1st/2nd Nov 2014
Final rule pack can be downloaded on our club page:

Only one change from last year - a skill may be taken no more than 3 times, other than that, no rule changes.

For the regulars to the ARBBL Open, remember that this is not at the regular venue.

Also, I have to reiterate that no alcohol can be consumed on the premises, and that includes the car park. This is part of the agreement for getting the hall, so please don't push it. There's a pub just down the road, and the venue is close to town.

Initially going to limit it to 16 teams, but it can be pushed to 20 if need be.

Captains - to reserve your teams spot please send a £12 deposit - team members and rosters don't need be confirmed until nearer to the time.
Darkson - Jan 14, 2014 - 09:58 AM
Post subject: RE: ARBBL Pick
0. ARBBL Spare Parts (we will play if an odd number of teams, else we'll referee/odd job)
a) Darkson
b) MoodyGit
c) BigBelcher

a) TBC
b) TBC
c) TBC

a) TBC
b) TBC
c) TBC


3. Exiles: First and Only ( Sad )
Darkson - Jun 22, 2014 - 09:06 AM
Post subject: RE: ARBBL Pick
Update with link to rules pack.
Darkson - Aug 08, 2014 - 03:50 AM
Post subject: RE: ARBBL Pick
Just as a bit of a heads up, if a few more teams don't sign up soon I'll have to consider making this a single player event (but still with the 2 teams thing). It won't be cancelled, as I've got to pay for the hall either way, but if you want the team event to continue, sign up ASAP.
Darkson - Sep 19, 2014 - 11:55 AM
Post subject: RE: ARBBL Pick
Unfortunately due to a lack of teams confirming participation I'm going to have to cancel the team part of the the event. Sad

So now this is going to run as a singles competition, but using the same rules as before (2 races etc etc).
I'll run up a new rules pack over the weekend and get it posted.
I've spoken to Nate, Pippy and Hawca and this can still be NAF ranked.

CeeTee, as the only captain to pay your teams deposit, if you would like a refund give me a PM.

Apologies to those looking forward to the team aspect, but with the confirmed amount of teams it's just not going to work.
Darkson - Sep 21, 2014 - 01:28 PM
Post subject: RE: ARBBL Pick
Updated rule pack uploaded to our webpage, as per the link in the opening post.
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