NAF World Headquarters

North America - PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB

dsavillian - Jan 20, 2014 - 12:33 PM
Post subject: PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB
We are still working out the finer details, but I just wanted to let everyone know that we are running our 3rd annual tournament in June Smile

We are changing locations this year though... we'll be hosting our event at the world's largest game store - The (legendary) Sentry Box!

We'd really love to have more folks from out of town this year. We are getting a really good deal on the cost of the space (free), so we are able to funnel the entire entry fee pool into prizes. The more people that pre-register, the better our swag will be!

Lets get the hype train going! All Aboard!
blammaham - Jan 20, 2014 - 02:58 PM
Post subject: RE: PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB
I'm hoping to round up some Thunderbowl guys and make the trip out this year! S.
dsavillian - Jan 20, 2014 - 05:04 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB
      blammaham wrote:
I'm hoping to round up some Thunderbowl guys and make the trip out this year! S.

That would be fantastic!

We really want to work on getting more out of town folk out this time around. We'd love to have enough money from entry fees to do some really sweet swag. Custom boards have been suggested, with the winner of each game of the last round winning a board to take home! Block dice, coins, trophies, it's all on the table now that our costs have been reduced

it's the perfect time to come out Smile
Colin - Jan 28, 2014 - 11:33 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB
Though I don't play BB much anymore, I'll see if I can make it down this year.
dsavillian - Jan 29, 2014 - 03:22 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: PowTown 2014 - June 7/8 2014, Calgary AB
That would be awesome!
generaljason - Feb 22, 2014 - 05:21 AM
Post subject:
Time off work is booked. Smile So there Dave! Very Happy Looking forward to another BB road trip and meeting the rest of the Calgary crew! Just have to see if there are some men in my league that want to join the carpool. Wink Looking forward to this!

generaljason - May 26, 2014 - 09:50 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys just posting for Dave (dsavillian). Anybody that is still on the fence for Powtown 2014 be sure to hop off and sign up! 18 players so far - a carload from Edmonton and from British Columbia so sure to be a great time. Dave needs final numbers asap so he can confirm how many boards he needs.

Hope to see you out! Very Happy
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