NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Treeman ad Fouling

Bizaak - Feb 06, 2014 - 10:57 AM
Post subject: Treeman ad Fouling
If a Treeman fails it's Take Root, and an opponent is prone in an adjacent space, then Fouls him. Doubles are rolled, but since he is "Rooted", does he stay on the pitch until he "unroots"? Can he Foul "at will" each turn ignoring the Ref? Is it just a Turnover? If he stays til the drive ends, does he get ejected at that point?
genghis - Feb 06, 2014 - 02:33 PM
Post subject:
He gets ejected as normal. There isn't anything in here that would override the rules for a spotted foul.
Take Root (Extraordinary)
Immediately after declaring an Action with this player, roll a D6. On a 2 or
more, the player may take his Action as normal. On a 1, the player “takes
root”, and his MA is considered 0 until a drive ends, or he is Knocked
Down or Placed Prone (and no, players from his own team may not try
and block him in order to try to knock him down!). A player that has taken
root may not Go For It, be pushed back for any reason, or use any skill
that would allow him to move out of his current square or be Placed
Prone. The player may block adjacent players without following-up as
part of a Block Action however if a player fails his Take Root roll as part
of a Blitz Action he may not block that turn (he can still roll to stand up if
he is Prone).

Bizaak - Feb 06, 2014 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
Thanks, but does not sound as fun!
batcok - Feb 08, 2014 - 07:02 PM
Post subject:
I'm sure the referees are more than happy to allow the groundskeeping crew to take a 'game time out' to deal with a take root treeman who fouls.
Bizaak - Feb 09, 2014 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
Ok, Thanks. But If a Treeman falls on The Pitch and There Is No One There to Hear it...
AL13N - Feb 10, 2014 - 06:27 PM
Post subject:
Treeman never falls on the pitch unless a Death roller or an incredible dauntless roll is made Smile
batcok - Feb 12, 2014 - 05:39 PM
Post subject:
Chainsaw goodness can also fell a treeman. Wink
AL13N - Feb 12, 2014 - 08:17 PM
Post subject:
Chainsaw and treeman don't work well together.
batcok - Feb 13, 2014 - 11:12 PM
Post subject:
Sure they do, when you're the one with the chainsaw. Wink
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