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Rules Questions - Hypnotic Gaze and Side Step/Stand Firm

Tojurub - Mar 28, 2014 - 03:59 AM
Post subject: Hypnotic Gaze and Side Step/Stand Firm
I'm not sure about the effects of Hypnotic Gaze....

from the rules: "The stun an opponent into immobility." and "...the opposing player..may not..., or move voluntary..."

How does that affect Side Step and Stand Firm....especially Side step is partly voluntary....yes, the player is pushed passivly, but since he can choose voluntary the square where he is pushed to, I was wondering if a hypnotized player is actually allowed to use Side Step? ...similar for Stand Firm
delevus - Mar 28, 2014 - 07:29 AM
Post subject: RE: Hypnotic Gaze and Side Step/Stand Firm
It doesn't stop stand firm and side step because that isn't movement. I thought the same way.
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