NAF World Headquarters

Europe - ETC Open team tournament Novi Sad, Serbia 9-10.08.2014

Severian - Apr 02, 2014 - 10:58 AM
Post subject: ETC Open team tournament Novi Sad, Serbia 9-10.08.2014
ETC Open Blood Bowl team and singles tournament Novi Sad, Serbia 2014
(Singles 6- 7.08.2014. and team 9-10.2014.)

We would like to invite you to join this grand event and have some fun with us.

As a promotional measure we have decided that this will be open tournament meaning that multiple teams from the same country would be allowed to participate. On the singles tournament everybody can participate.
Team consists of six players.

Where is this event exactly, how to get there, few things about accomodation, orga team:

What is ETC ?
European Team Championship is greatest miniatures gaming event in the world. It is an international competition that involved Warhammer fantasy, 40K and Flames of War and more than 80 teams from all over the world.
It allready has long history and last year was organised in Serbia with great success. In a very tense and exciting vote Serbia got the honor to organise this great event this year also.

On this link you can see our promo video:

Some pictures on FLICKR:

Here is FB page from last year where You can see a lot of pictures of the event:

More videos from podcast:

Whats the cost ?
Price is 28 euros per player and includes entry fee and lunch for both days

Same as Eurobowl. Details will be published soon!
Severian - Apr 22, 2014 - 01:38 AM
Post subject:
Indigo - Apr 22, 2014 - 04:06 AM
Post subject:
Quality stuff, so cool to see such a great event. Keep it up chaps Smile
Tojurub - Apr 23, 2014 - 05:15 AM
Post subject:
Is this ETC always at this time? I'm actually travelling through Novi Sad on one of tourney days on my way down to the black sea. My kids are not old enough to have the concentration for a full tourney play, but maybe in the years to come that might be a nice vacation option
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