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Strategy and Tactics - Skaven Injuries

Holleran - Jul 03, 2003 - 01:36 PM
Post subject: Skaven Injuries
I have a Linerat with Block and Dirty Player. He has 3 niggles. Do I keep him or refill my roster with a healthy one?
Tutenkharnage - Jul 03, 2003 - 02:01 PM
Post subject:
Retire him. Give Dirty Player to your next Lineman who gets a normal skill roll. You don't want to use the Apothecary to allow this rat to play, and he's not playing often enough with 3 niggling injuries.

AnthonyTBBF - Jul 03, 2003 - 02:42 PM
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Put his ass on the line and let him die like a rat.
Tutenkharnage - Jul 03, 2003 - 03:03 PM
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That works in my league, Anthony, but we don't use niggling injuries. The problem with the triple-niggled player is getting him on the field at all!

Retire him.


P.S. In our league he'd probably be something like Bonehead and AV 5 or Really Stupid and AV 6 instead of 3N. In that case, I'd do what Anthony said.
Tutenkharnage - Jul 03, 2003 - 03:04 PM
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On a somewhat related note, our Skaven team has a Dirty Player with Bonehead. This character once failed SEVEN BH rolls in a single game. And yes, the coach had Grudge Match.

Doubleskulls - Jul 04, 2003 - 05:43 AM
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I failed 9 BH rolls with an Ogre. Against Geggster. Surprise, surprise I lost.

BTW Retire the rat.
Six_Foot_Dwarf - Jul 04, 2003 - 05:34 PM
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hell no don't get rid of him! Are you serious?? He's the perfect opportunity to see exactly how many niggles you can get on a single player. hahaha After 5 or 6, it's gonna be tough to get him more niggles cuz he'll be missing games all over the place. But if he DOES show up...charge that Ogre! That 7th niggle is just around the corner!

On a lighter note....cut his punk a$$. He'll be the best assistant coach on your team. Guaranteed.
Darkson - Jul 04, 2003 - 10:19 PM
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Drop him like a bad habit. He'll miss 1 in 2 games, doesn't really have anyhting not easily duplicated, and will probably win your MVP evey time.
Doubleskulls - Jul 06, 2003 - 04:25 AM
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If he had -AG and -MA then keep him and drop him in front of that Piling On RSF Minotaur. 2 niggles isn't going to show up often enough and you really need a maxed out roster.
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