NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Streetbowl

Lucy - Sep 16, 2014 - 02:18 AM
Post subject: Streetbowl
13 and 14 December

No inducements.

Saturday start at 10:00, hopefully for 6 games.
Sunday start at 11:00, hopefully for 5 games.
One Chess clock for the slowest game if necessary.

If we have an uneven number, some players will not play for one round. They will get 1/2 points.
Winners get 1 point, draw 1/1 point.

Rule change.

The rules:

If you foul a player, it will be spotted. Even if the foul fails.
Throw a rock to the square where the fouling player was standing. A player from the crowd will throw it from behind the endzones. Calculate the range with the throwing template, using AG 3 as the score. Calculate as a normal pass without extra skills.

Picking teams will start on the 13th of October. Those who come from far away pick first. Only two teams of each race may be present.

There's no fee.
Players will/must bring stuff which others can pick as a prize.
Winner picks first obviously.

All times are
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