NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Crumb-Bowl 4 11th/4/15 (1day,3 games)

Glowworm - Nov 04, 2014 - 02:31 PM
Post subject: Crumb-Bowl 4 11th/4/15 (1day,3 games)
it was on....... it was its back for good!!

The UK's largest 1 day Bloodbowl extravaganza is back for that all important 4th instalment!!

Rules pack will be available soon (once I've changed the date etc. on the one from last year) however in a nutshell:

When: 11 April 2014

Where: Venue change to be confirmed (free parking at the venue as always)

Cost £13 NAF £18 Non NAF (Inc. NAF sign-up) Including Lunch on the day as per last years Noodle experience

Resurrection style 1 day 3 game tourney

1.1Mil Build

All Inducements except wizards & Cards

1 star Player allowed on each team (no added skills) Stunty teams are allowed 2 (Stunties are Gobbo's/Flings/Ogres with stars who are Stunty or a Big Guy)

Slight twist here: Skills 6 skills, 5 normal (non double skills) and 1 double skill........However you may (if you wish) trade that double for 2 Single skills to give to player No 4 on your roster, the only restrictions are they can only be given to a player St4 or less...(No big guys) No more than 2 Instances of a skill may be added.


Crumb-Bowl Champion
Runner up
3rd Place
The "International Glowworm award" (This will probably include a free team)
Most violent
Top scorer
Stunty Cup (Nazgobs folly)
Newcomer award (4 or fewer tournaments Inc. Crumb)
SchWing Award (The only tournament to still award this, look it up!!)
Wooden Spoon (working on something really special for this.....)

As always due to the fact we are playing in the "Benger Dome" there will be no weather rolls, as with previous years if a 7 is rolled on any Kick-off one or both coaches will receive a special play card supplied by the organisers, this has been tried and tested over several years and has proven popular with new and veteran coaches.

As always there will be a free team given away to one lucky attendee (not me :blue: )

Limited to 44 Places, payments via paypal to: to secure your place, please gift your payment and include your NAF Name/Number

Please head over to TFF to register your interest or email me: putting Crumb-Bowl in the title.

Link to full rulespack to follow.
Glowworm - Jan 24, 2015 - 06:08 AM
Post subject:
Link to rules pack:

Please note, at present this is full!!
Glowworm - Apr 10, 2015 - 03:49 AM
Post subject:
Please note: venue postcode is SN15 4BL Christian Malford village hall
lunchmoney - Apr 12, 2015 - 04:24 AM
Post subject:
On behalf of Glowworm

Raffle winner - JaskIRL
Best newcomer - JohnnyH
Most TD - Loki
Most CAS - Lunchmoney
Stunty Cup - Shortarse
SchWing - AngryHobbit
Wooden Spoon - Tully

Glowworm Award - Dionysian
3rd - Rubick
2nd - Darkson

WINNER! - Hungdonkeyman

Well done everyone Smile
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