NAF World Headquarters

General - Fan Fiction Feedback (?)

Narkotic - Feb 16, 2003 - 02:00 PM
Post subject: Fan Fiction Feedback (?)
Hi there,

I just saw that the fan fiction I wrote ("Now, you too, can win at Blood Bowl jeopardy", title is by Cervidal, but 95% of content is by me) got 73 reads so far. Any feedback? Should I write more? or do you think I should stop it and try to be funny elsewhere?

- narkotic
BlanchPrez - Feb 16, 2003 - 09:40 PM
Post subject:
I read it, and thought it was great stuff. Smile I was actually wondering if you would mind if I used some of your stuff in my league's newsletter (I have an area of the newsletter that's a "Did you Know?" section, and I'm running short on ideas already). Please, write more.

Cervidal - Feb 17, 2003 - 07:07 PM
Post subject:
I'm sorry that it came up as by me. I thought I gave credit within the article? The only reason it says it was by me is because I was the one who put it up.

If I failed to give you proper credit, by all means, let me know! I apologize for the screw up.
Cervidal - Feb 17, 2003 - 07:11 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, your info is in there.

I am sorry that it looks like I was trying to take credit. I've been given administrator controll so that I can post articles and fan fiction as it goes through the editing process. As I post it, the site says it's from me.

I will make sure to give everyone proper credit at the top of every article that gets submitted to the website.

Don't think of the 'Cervidal' as a sign of plagerism. Think of it as the grunt who just posts what he gets!
Narkotic - Feb 18, 2003 - 01:29 AM
Post subject:
Don't worry. I never meant it that way. I just wanted to remark that you did some editing and made up the title for the article. That's all Razz
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