NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Selling my 27 stadiums after B7 2015

Frank - May 17, 2015 - 07:48 AM
Post subject: Selling my 27 stadiums after B7 2015
The B7 2015 will be the last one organized by Baerbel and me. Don't worry the B7 will be continued by Rainer and Fabi, but of course in a different format.
As you may know in the last 12 years we only played on custom made stadiums. This will change, so this year the last time I have to transport my 27 stadiums to the B7 in Stuttgart/ Germany.

In addition I need space in my attic, so the stadiums I built during the last 15 years have to find a new home.
The decision was not easy, but I will sell the stadiums and they have to be picked up at the end of the B7 2015. In that way I won’t have to transport them back after the event. I will not send it by postal!

You find on the B7 website pics and infos:

There you can see the starting/current bid. Please only make bids with 5 € steps.

If you are interested then please send an email with info for which stadium (number 01 - 29) you want to bid which amount (multiples of 5€’s) to:

You can bid until sunday morning 28.06.2015 in person at the event. This website will not be updated after 25th of June, because we have limited internet access at the event.
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