NAF World Headquarters

General - Got Block T-Shirts

AL13N - Jun 30, 2015 - 06:07 PM
Post subject: Got Block T-Shirts

Having a batch of these babies made. Pre-Order only $20 a shirt this does include shipping. L-XXL If your intrested please PayPal
Don't forget to include your size amount of shirts. what color and shipping address.
AL13N - Jul 02, 2015 - 11:38 AM
Post subject: RE: Got Block T-Shirts
Shipping in North America included. $13 world wide.
AL13N - Jul 05, 2015 - 11:05 AM
Post subject: RE: Got Block T-Shirts
Today is the last day for this project. Tonight at Midnight EST. Than off to the next project. Thank you for all that supported and ordered. We are looking to get them shipped out this following week. Mekutata Black with white will be part of our next project. Remember to include color of shirt anything that can take black ink. size and address. $20 for north america and $33 international.
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