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Rules Questions - Tackle and dodge

Nutty01 - Jul 24, 2003 - 06:05 AM
Post subject: Tackle and dodge
Ok here is the question.
I have a player with tackle, my oppersition player has tackle. He dodges away and fails, since i have tackle he uses a TRR to pass. He then moves away and into another tacklezone and dodges again, he fails can he use the dodge skill to re-roll or is deemed to have been used in the original dodge even though it could not be used?
noodle1978uk - Jul 24, 2003 - 06:17 AM
Post subject:
He can use dodge! Tackle means you aren't allowed to use dodge - so he couldn't have used it.... Therefore he still has a dodge reroll left for the second dodge (where there is no tackle)

Hope this helps
skummy - Jul 24, 2003 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
Also remember that you can use the Dodge skill when dodging from a tackle-free zone into a player that has tackle.
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