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Strategy and Tactics - Alternative tactics for strength team

Iceman - Jul 29, 2003 - 03:38 AM
Post subject: Alternative tactics for strength team
I play dwarves and everybody expects me to crush my opponent and go for the cage etc. Do the dwarvishthing. Then there are those games where block dices just fail to work for me.

To battle this is it worth my while to take skills for my players that actually improve my throwing game even if I play a strength team? Or is it just pointless waste of SP rolls to create anything but homicidal maniacs that want to kill and maim?

Ive read several tactic articles for dwarves and most people just aim to develop their good killing potential but completely ignore the possibility of AG3 dwarveas actually throwing. AG3 is not bad, it average.
Doubleskulls - Jul 29, 2003 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
Developing a passing game is, IMO, vital to the long term success of dwarves. However you must be able to bash too - passing is only ever going to be a nice option, rather than the prefered play.

Its not AG3 that kills the passing game, its the low movement meaning you can't afford to spread the play out - and don't have the speed to escape if you don't.
jmccubbin - Jul 29, 2003 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
Dump pass is important for both your runners. Accurate and safe throw as well. This makes it possible to have your runners play keep away while chugging down the field.
Tutenkharnage - Jul 31, 2003 - 11:26 AM
Post subject: Re: Alternative tactics for strength team
      Iceman wrote:
I play dwarves and everybody expects me to crush my opponent and go for the cage etc. Do the dwarvishthing. Then there are those games where block dices just fail to work for me.

To battle this is it worth my while to take skills for my players that actually improve my throwing game even if I play a strength team? Or is it just pointless waste of SP rolls to create anything but homicidal maniacs that want to kill and maim?

Ive read several tactic articles for dwarves and most people just aim to develop their good killing potential but completely ignore the possibility of AG3 dwarveas actually throwing. AG3 is not bad, it average.

I played Dwarves for the first time at GenCon. I quickly discovered that...

1. ...Dwarves aren't very good if your blocking dice don't work.
2. ...Dwarves are even worse if your AV rolls don't work.
3. ...Dwarves are definitely against the wall if your INJ rolls don't work.

And if you add all of those up, they aren't very good at all Smile

I suggest you give your Runners the following skills:

* Block
* Accurate

After that, doesn't much matter: Dodge and Sure Feet are good on doubles, Pro otherwise, I suppose. Tackle and Strip Ball are good if you want to play them on defensive and make some use of them.

Blitzers should be geared to mobility and helping, not really to hitting. To wit, grab the Guard skill as soon as you get a normal roll. After that, hope for doubles (Dodge) or AG+1. Take Pro if you can't get those.

As another poster noted, it's the lack of MA that will slow down your attack. It's hard to cage up and move downfield quickly when your ball carriers are all 2 MA faster than the cage players.

Khankill - Jul 31, 2003 - 12:10 PM
Post subject:
It my belief that too often Blitzer are under utilized as ball carriers. The best Dwarf coach in my area advances his runners as catchers/safeties and his blitzers as Ball handlers/Guards.
AnthonyTBBF - Jul 31, 2003 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, best Dwarf team I have seen use their Blitzers to score. You have a whole team of guys that can stick up for themselves, your 2 Blitzers are invaluable as ball carriers.
westonwyse - Jul 31, 2003 - 10:06 PM
Post subject: Re: Alternative tactics for strength team
      Iceman wrote:
I play dwarves and everybody expects me to crush my opponent and go for the cage etc. Do the dwarvishthing...

To battle this is it worth my while to take skills for my players that actually improve my throwing game even if I play a strength team? Or is it just pointless waste of SP rolls to create anything but homicidal maniacs that want to kill and maim?

From a fellow Dwarf player, I say think of it as a "surprise attack." Cool Here's my team. You'll notice the 4AG Runner and the Blitzer with Catch. Admittedly, the 4AG was *really* lucky, but it's worth the look on the other guy's face when I make a pass at 2+ with a Dwarf.

No, don't base your team around it -- I made that mistake before -- but definately keep that ace in the hole.
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