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Rules Questions - Catching bouncing balls

GColeman76 - Aug 01, 2003 - 08:07 AM
Post subject: Catching bouncing balls
If a bouncing ball from any incident be caught and if this is failed can the Catch skill be used to re-roll this failed attempt?Help would be appreciated.
Doubleskulls - Aug 01, 2003 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
Yes. Any attempt to gain control of the ball that is not a pickup can use the catch skill (so interceptions, hand offs & passes, bouncing balls).
Tutenkharnage - Aug 01, 2003 - 08:18 AM
Post subject: Re: Catching bouncing balls
      gavrad76 wrote:
If a bouncing ball from any incident be caught and if this is failed can the Catch skill be used to re-roll this failed attempt? Help would be appreciated.

You can use the Catch skill to re-roll a failed catch roll. This includes bouncing balls. Furthermore, there's no prohibition against using it multiple times in the same turn if possible - only the standard restriction against re-rolling the same die roll more than once applies. This means that you can fail a catch, use the Catch skill, and fail that; furthermore, if the ball comes back into your square a second time and your player again fails to catch it, you can use the Catch skill again to re-roll the attempt.

Doubleskulls - Aug 01, 2003 - 09:27 AM
Post subject: Re: Catching bouncing balls
      Tutenkharnage wrote:
This means that you can fail a catch, use the Catch skill, and fail that; furthermore, if the ball comes back into your square a second time and your player again fails to catch it, you can use the Catch skill again to re-roll the attempt.


Confused Are you sure? I would have said the each skill once per action means you can't do this.
Tutenkharnage - Aug 01, 2003 - 10:01 AM
Post subject:
You're not taking an action if you're attempting an INT, making a catch from a Pass, or taking a Hand-off. In fact, it would be difficult to construct a scenario in which you're taking an action and still taking that action when the catch roll comes around again. A Pass action ends when you pass the ball; a Blitz is possible, but hardly likely.

Anyway, that "each skill once per action" stuff needs to come out of the book. Mind you, it was put there in part because people felt it would solve some stickier issues, but it always seem to come up at times like this when it really shouldn't.

Doubleskulls - Aug 01, 2003 - 10:36 AM
Post subject:
Fair points.

A couple of things though - the rule doesn't say in your own action it just says action. So you can argue that almost all skill usages occur during someone's action.

I actually prefer that you can't reuse catch - it seems to fit better with the inability to reuse dodge and leap than the rule was intended to catch.
Ratin_Mutants - Aug 03, 2003 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
Would it say that this could be possible:

I a player has catch, and diving catch, he tries to intercept the ball...misses, and uses his catch skill. misses again, and the ball end one field away from him, he then uses diving catch, misses and then uses his catch skill and makes the interception.
Tutenkharnage - Aug 03, 2003 - 04:30 PM
Post subject:
      Ratin_Mutants wrote:
Would it say that this could be possible:

I a player has catch, and diving catch, he tries to intercept the ball...misses, and uses his catch skill. misses again, and the ball end one field away from him, he then uses diving catch, misses and then uses his catch skill and makes the interception.

You can use Diving Catch only if the ball was originally thrown to your player's square. You can't use it defensively, and you certainly can't use it twice for the same player on the same throw. (Check the description.)

Ratin_Mutants - Aug 05, 2003 - 12:58 AM
Post subject:
It wasn´t the diving catch i would use twice, but catch, but since diving catch can only be used when the ball is thrown to me, it settles the deal.
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