NAF World Headquarters

North America - Help a newb out, please

Tzalaran - Sep 14, 2018 - 09:55 AM
Post subject: Help a newb out, please
Played in first tourney last month, and i'm looking to attend more in October. I found a tourney listed here for 10/6 in Colorado Springs that looks appealing, but in the advert it shows that approval is pending, which i have not seen in any other listing. Here is a link to the tourney in question:

i have sent an email to the person organizing the event, asking if they still have available spots for the tourney, but haven't gotten a response (it has only been 2 days since i emailed), and i don't like the idea of paying the registration fee without knowing ahead of time there are spots for us (my son and i).

If someone could provide me with some basic info on what the standard procedures should be, or if because this tourney is listed here it is a full go, or what timeframe is expected in getting a response from the organizer it would be a great help to me as we have to get lodging for the Friday/Saturday timeframe, and my wife is wanting that part done yesterday...

Thank you for any advice you can give.
Tzalaran - Sep 14, 2018 - 12:53 PM
Post subject: RE: Help a newb out, please
Got a reply. its all good.
Garion26 - Sep 14, 2018 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
I'm not an expert but my read of the situation is
1) They are having a tournament but aren't sure if it's NAF approved.
2) If it's NAF approved they may still chose to have the tournament.
3) Whether or not it's NAF approved you may still want to go if you are just looking to have fun with Blood BOwl and don't care if it's NAF approved.

I think it's reasonable to wait until you get a response from the TO before you send them money just to make sure they are responsive.
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