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Rest of the World - Illawarra Tournament...?

Cthulhu-gump - Aug 13, 2003 - 03:12 AM
Post subject: Illawarra Tournament...?
Some mates and I are looking at runing a tournament in the Illawarra , south of Sydney,sometime around November. We've had a bit of interest on the WGAU and are wondering if there is interest on here.

We'll probably have about 8 to 10 boards, which limits the numbers that we have, but at the moment it looks like being a backyard event at my place. I know this seems but we've been running a Clan wars storyline tournament like this for about three years and it seems to work so far

At the moment it is looking like a one-off event, but if it runs well we're keen to expand it to a hall and expand the numbers.

Let me know if your interested.
Babs - Sep 04, 2003 - 03:07 PM
Post subject:
Best thing to do is get the word out through your local gaming club and get a (preferably A3 colour) poster up at supporting hobby stores.

GW can be a pain about whether they'll let you advertise in their store - but almost all other hobby stores are really supportive.

Let me know if I can do anything to help.
Cthulhu-gump - Sep 07, 2003 - 02:11 AM
Post subject:
Thanks alot, our group holds a few gamesdays like these, so organising them aint a problem. We've got support from Neil Holoway at Shadowforge Miniatures and we've got a painted figure up for grabs, painted by a guy called Neil Wood, who's won about 8 or so Demon awards.

Its just a matter of finding out if theres any interest. Theres about 7 or 8 spots already filled and its just a matter of filling the rest of the spots.

Thanks once again. Very Happy
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