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Rules Questions - Fouling

Brambo - Aug 15, 2003 - 08:12 AM
Post subject: Fouling
Am I right in saying a Foul is classed as an action the same as Block, Pass etc. So only a player that has done nothing during the turn can move and then Foul?

Thanks in advance.
Indigo - Aug 15, 2003 - 08:34 AM
Post subject:
Yes you're right. Although fouling doesn't cost any squares of movement, unlike a blitz.

You CAN pick up or catch the ball and foul in the same turn though.
Brambo - Aug 15, 2003 - 09:03 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for a fast answer
yarrick1imperial - Jan 26, 2004 - 01:06 AM
Post subject: Fouling with Dirty Player
If a person fouls with dirty Player do you add +1 for the foul & +2 for dirty player giving you a total of +3 to armour?

i had an argument with this guy and he said that you get +3 to the armour roll, how ever i think you just get +2 for the guy with dirty player and then any assists add more to it, i really can't see how you can get +3 to armour roll for one guy, so does that mean you can also add +1 to armour and then if you get thru with that, do you also add +2 to injury?

ta Jas
Tutenkharnage - Jan 26, 2004 - 06:10 AM
Post subject:
You get +1 for attempting a foul. You can then add your DP bonus if you need it to break AV, bringing the potential bonus to +3 for that player before any assists are added. If you don't need the +2 on AV, you can add it to the INJ roll.


Clan_Skaven - Jan 26, 2004 - 08:33 AM
Post subject: really?
That is the official way of how DP is done? All this time I thought it was just a +2 to the armour roll, (I just read the LRB) & sure enough it says +2 to the Armour OR Injury roll. Wow I have seen the light!

So its used the same way as Mighty Blow!

I'm still skeptical of the +3 to AR (+1(+)+2) Would it not just be a +2 instead of +1 to the AR roll? & if you beat the armour without the +2, then you add the +2 to the injury roll?
Zombie - Jan 26, 2004 - 09:29 AM
Post subject:
It's +3 all right. Always has been. And how can you be "skeptical" when a BBRC member tells you how it is? They write the rules, they should know them! (Except for Jervis i guess, he doesn't know them!)
Clan_Skaven - Jan 26, 2004 - 10:48 AM
Post subject: no need to be sarcastic
I see your point.
yarrick1imperial - Jan 26, 2004 - 12:26 PM
Post subject:
Now thats interesting +3 to armour if you don't get thru on a normal roll, i would never have thought, it just seems like its a bit ova kill for the dirty player where a normal player gets +1, but a dirty player can get +3, i can understand how a player who has dirty player can be twice as good at fouling, than a normal player, but not 3 times as good, thats like having 3 assists.

However the rules are the rules.
now that thats cleared up.

cheers Chet
Very Happy
Tutenkharnage - Jan 26, 2004 - 12:39 PM
Post subject:
It's like having two assists, actually. An unskilled player with two assists receives +3 to the AV bonus (+1 for attempting the foul, +2 for the two assists).

Zombie - Jan 26, 2004 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
Besides, you're not 3 times as good at piercing armour. Against AV8 for example, an unskilled player without assists has a 21/36 chance of getting through using his +1, while the dirty player has a 30/36 chance. No way that's 3 times as good.
yarrick1imperial - Jan 26, 2004 - 09:45 PM
Post subject:
Depends how you look at it, and not everybody has AV8, all i am saying is a normal player gets +1, and a dirty player has the option of +3, in my opinion thats 3 times as good as a normal player with out dirty player. However rules are rules, like i said before, just did'nt read between the lines.

I see a few other people did'nt know that you could add dirty player to the foul bonus, i guess we learn something every day.

Ta Guys

Zombie - Jan 26, 2004 - 10:00 PM
Post subject:
It doesn't matter how you look at it. "3 times as good" is a mathematical statement that simply doesn't apply in this case. It's nowhere near 3 times as good. It's way better, i'll agree with that. But believe me, dirty player is not an overpowered skill. You don't get to use it all that often, and when you do, you can lose your own player for the game and suffer a turnover. Fouling right now is pretty much as balanced as can be.
Yeti - Jan 27, 2004 - 06:01 AM
Post subject:
Now is more "tactic". You only foul to the really important players of the oponent team or/and with your cheaper and more unuseful players. In this way, your oponent can lose more than you.

(Sorry for my english)
Tutenkharnage - Jan 27, 2004 - 06:29 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
Besides, you're not 3 times as good at piercing armour. Against AV8 for example, an unskilled player without assists has a 21/36 chance of getting through using his +1, while the dirty player has a 30/36 chance. No way that's 3 times as good.

Against AV7, those numbers are correct. Against AV8, however, an unskilled player without assists has a 15/36 chance of getting through. The DP has 26/36 chance of getting through.

Zombie - Jan 27, 2004 - 12:39 PM
Post subject:
Oops, you're right. Did this too quick and the +1 got me confused. Thanks for correcting me.

In any case, it's still nowhere near "3 times as good".
yarrick1imperial - Jan 27, 2004 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
well dirty player needs to be a little clearer, i know it must be hard to get everything as clear as mud, but it could be written so you understand it better.

I know Dirty player has been toned down a bit, and thank god for that, it did in the past get carried away, and maybe its not as powerful as it has been in the past.

I have been playing Bloodbowl for a long time now and the rules are getting weirder and weirder with all the changes lately, however thank god that there are places like this to find out the proper answer.

Ta for the advice but in my personal opinion +1 to +3 is 3 times as good.
Mordredd - Jan 28, 2004 - 04:37 AM
Post subject:
I guess what you're saying is that the modifier to the armour roll is 3 times as good, not the chance of beating the armour which is what Zombie's been banging on about.
Zombie - Jan 28, 2004 - 02:11 PM
Post subject:
Yes. The modifier is 3 times as good, but dirty player itself isn't 3 times as good as not having it.
Tutenkharnage - Jan 28, 2004 - 02:58 PM
Post subject:
Just for kicks, since the "3 times as good" horse isn't quite dead...

Odds of getting a casualty "out in space" vs. AV 8:

* Non-DP: 7%
* DP: 22%

Aha! So maybe it is three times as good Wink

(Sorry. Couldn't resist. I know the comments pertained to breaking AV rather than causing casualties. But the numerical coincidence was too great to pass unnoticed.)

Deathwing - Jan 28, 2004 - 07:08 PM
Post subject:

Now don't you guys go starting a good old BBCentral style "statfight". Very Happy

Zombie - Jan 28, 2004 - 07:24 PM
Post subject:
You're right Chet. And i knew all along that if you accounted for the injury roll as well, things were much different. I actually expected it to be about 4 or 5 times as good then!
Tutenkharnage - Jan 29, 2004 - 06:11 AM
Post subject:
      Deathwing wrote:

Now don't you guys go starting a good old BBCentral style "statfight". Very Happy


Hah! No, I'll try very hard not to do that. It was clearly tongue in cheek.

Besides, Zombie's right: +3 to AV is not "three times as good" as +1! At least, not in the way that he and I understand the "to AV" part of that statement.

Zombie - Jan 29, 2004 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:
Yeah. And even if you only consider the increase and not the whole thing, and even if you consider the increase as a value and not a percentage, it's still not 3 times as good. The first few points always give a bigger increase in your chances as the points after that, except if you're talking about players with an AV of 5 or lower.
Inaspin - Sep 08, 2004 - 02:33 PM
Post subject:
Yeah I like that....a goblin with the 7 assists required to boot a treeman Cool
luzzer - Feb 10, 2005 - 09:02 PM
Post subject:
got a quick fouling question....
can a player who is stunned, be a victim of a foul action?????
the rules say the victim must be "prone".........therefore ,since you "change from stunned to prone",there is a contingent in my league hoping that being stunned precludes the"boot"....thanks(special thanks to those who don't call me an idiot for asking this Embarassed )
Doubleskulls - Feb 10, 2005 - 09:08 PM
Post subject:
Well properly prone means face down - i.e. stunned. Supine means lying on your back (i.e. knocked down) so you can only foul players that are already stunned.

lol Smile Smile Smile

Its a very poorly worded rule. You can foul anyone who isn't standing up.

For future reference you should have started a new thread, rather than resurrecting one that is months old especially since its a different topic.
luzzer - Feb 10, 2005 - 09:21 PM
Post subject:
you've solved one debate!!!
undoubtably we will soon find something else to argue over (probably even lamer Laughing )
re: old thread--please refer to my nick Shocked
Tojurub - Feb 11, 2005 - 12:56 AM
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well...everything laying in front of you on the ground asks for a foul Twisted Evil
Tim - Feb 11, 2005 - 03:31 AM
Post subject:
Says the longbeard who's been caught "fouling" (aka failing to pick up) the ball!
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