NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Converting the LRB

Magier - Aug 15, 2003 - 03:04 PM
Post subject: Converting the LRB
Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone of you ever thought about converting the LRB to a Word File or something similar?
I'm asking because it's a bit annoying to implement house rules into the existing rule book with adobe - with Word or something like that it would be much easier.

I don't think it's a problem with copyright issues as you still only use it for yourself anyways, but I'm not sure about it. Maybe someone could shed some light on this?
Tutenkharnage - Aug 15, 2003 - 04:28 PM
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I plan to toss it into Publisher with all of my league's house rules incorporated.

neoliminal - Aug 15, 2003 - 07:45 PM
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FYI, both these actions are illegal. Check the agreement you clicked before you downloaded. (I promise, I wont turn you in, this is purely informational.)

Below is the agreement for your reference...

Terms of Use Agreement

1. In consideration of being able to access and/or download a copy of the attached File, you must agree to accept and abide by the following terms and conditions.

2. The File may not be reproduced, sold, transferred, or modified.

3. A single copy may be downloaded for personal, non-commercial, educational or research use and reference. Additional copies, whether electronic or otherwise, may not be made or distributed without the advance, written permission of Games Workshop Limited. You may, however, provide any person with the URL of the Games Workshop Limited Web Site or a hyperlink to the pertinent portions of said Site.

4. Games Workshop adopts anti-virus policies and best practice but in no way accepts any liability for any damage whatsoever and howsoever caused by any virus or similar program transmitted by the File

5. This Agreement and the obligations of the parties shall be governed by the laws of England.

6. This Agreement may be modified at any time by Games Workshop Limited and such new or modified terms and conditions as it may, in its sole discretion, impose shall take effect upon such date as Games Workshop Limited indicates.
GalakStarscraper - Aug 15, 2003 - 07:54 PM
Post subject:
      neoliminal wrote:
FYI, both these actions are illegal. Check the agreement you clicked before you downloaded. (I promise, I wont turn you in, this is purely informational.)

I had at one point converted the entire 1.3 version into HTML with hot links from the index page to that area of the rules (still have it one my HD.) ... the end goal was to convert the LRB into other languages with a team of volunteers and give it back to Andy for his site. AH wasn't interested. For legal reasons inside GW .. he's actually prohibited from doing this ... each country has to do it themselves. Sigh ... one step forward ... 3 steps back.

neoliminal - Aug 15, 2003 - 08:09 PM
Post subject:
I agree. It's sad that we live in an age that requires copyright. I think we would all be better off without... but that's a very long politcal discussion.
Magier - Aug 16, 2003 - 03:48 AM
Post subject:
*hehe* Well, it has been a while since I downloaded the file so I didn't actually remember what exactly the user agreement said.
It's really a shame that you are not allowed to modify the rules set so it fits your house rules.

Obviously this says more about GW's "Our rules are just suggestions, play the game how YOU like it"-policy than all their articles in several magazins.
Oh well, guess I just have to write my own set of rules - not my fault if they are partially very similar to GW-rulesĀ“. Wink

I know that GW has to protect their products but the user agreement could live without those last few words in point 2. Wink
AnthonyTBBF - Aug 17, 2003 - 09:10 AM
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You have to have those in there, otherwise unscupulous individuals could modify the rules and sell them in other formats.

Bloody Bowl anyone?
GalakStarscraper - Aug 17, 2003 - 10:13 AM
Post subject:
      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
You have to have those in there, otherwise unscupulous individuals could modify the rules and sell them in other formats.

Bloody Bowl anyone?

For those that don't understand this:

Magier - Aug 17, 2003 - 01:55 PM
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Yeah, I know about bloody bowl, but heck, it's not much difference to the rest of the economy.
As far as I know, Gilette is sueing Wilkinson now because they made a razorblade which is nearly identical to one of Gilette's just with 4 blades instead of 3;
That's the deal in modern economy: You design a good product and a few months later everyone else sells basically the same just with a few modifications.

Those restrictions don't do nothing in prohibiting illegal versions of blood bowl. I could just sit here, read those rules and decide to design my own version of Blood Bowl; GW could do crap about it if I'm not totally stupid and include too many identical parts;
GW doesn't have an IP on any kind of Fantasy Football... Smile

Anyways, the discussion it's pointless, I'm afraid. It's GW's rulebook and unless I find a way to do it myself, I'll sit here with an additional paper of house rules;
It may be stupid but it's true - discussing a way to modify the LRB simply leads to problems with GW and I certainly don't want to cause the Forum Owners any legal discussions with GW's law department. Wink
Indigo - Aug 18, 2003 - 01:32 AM
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surely it's not THAT big a deal having the LRB and some seperate paper house rules?
noodle1978uk - Aug 18, 2003 - 02:27 AM
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Thats the way we do it - by having a list of deviations from the LRB. For me its too much of a faff to actually edit the LRB even if it WAS in word!

Besides if you start modifying the LRB as a document I suspect your house rules would get lost/buried/contentious.

My 2p anyway

p.s. we NEED copyright!
Indigo - Aug 18, 2003 - 03:10 AM
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(ducks as thread swoops off topic onto a debate about copyright)
Magier - Aug 18, 2003 - 03:35 PM
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Having a separate piece of paper is annoying because we have quite a few rookies in our league and they keep looking into the LRB when there's a problem. They totally forget that there are also house rules. Smile
40KVet - Aug 25, 2003 - 10:21 PM
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My League uses the plastic sheets that hold other paper sheets.

Then when we have a house rule, we place that house rule in the relavent section using Word.

That way everyone has the same rule in the same place.

It Works well, and no copyright laws are broken.
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