NAF World Headquarters

North America - Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th CANCELLED

Clan_Skaven - Feb 09, 2020 - 12:54 PM
Post subject: Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th CANCELLED
The 4 Chaos Gods are in a constant Power Struggle for who will Control the Max Aggression Bowl.

The Max Aggression Bowl is played in a Dome and therefore the Weather is always Nice.

When Registered each Team will randomly Draw which Chaos God Favors them. (with the exception of Khorne and Nurgle teams, as they are Favored by Khorne and Nurgle respectively)

Before the Game starts each Player rolls a D6 and adds the Total together to see which God is currently Controlling the Match.

2: Nurgle
3: Nurgle
4: Khorne
5: Slaanesh
6: Slaanesh
7: Nurgle
8: Khorne
9: Tzeentch
10: Tzeentch
11: Tzeentch
12: Khorne

This determines which Chaos God's Ball is used.

The Ball used depends which Chaos God is in control, and has it's own Unique Quality .

Khorne Ball : This Ball is covered in Sharp Spikes, any failed Pick Up attempts, Catch attempts (but not Failed Intercept Results) an Armour Roll is made against the Player

Slaanesh Ball : The Player Holding this Ball Gains A Better Pro Skill (which replaces the old Pro Skill if they already have it) This Pro Skill is allows the Player RR a die on a 2+ instead of a 4+, but on a 1 they are placed in the Dead and Injured Box as Slaanesh has Claimed their Soul. Apothecary & Regeneration may not be used.

Tzeentch Ball: This Ball has a Clone Ball, when the Ball lands on a Kick Off a 2nd Ball D8 scatters from the first Ball. A Player can only ever Hold One Ball at a time. Once a TD is scored Roll a D6, The TD counts on a 4+ , on a 1-3 The Ball vanishes as it was the Clone Ball.

Nurgle Ball: This Ball has Foul Appearance, and it is a -1 to Pick Up and Catch/Intercept, but a +1 to Pass.

KICK OFF Table Changes

2: Blessings of Nurgle:
Both Coaches Randomize one player on their Team and roll straight to Injury, if the result was Stunned or KO'd the affected player(s) gain Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence, and Nurgle's Rot , these added skills go away if there is a future Favor of the Gods Roll. (a successful Regeneration or an Apothecary roll ignores this result)

3: Temptation of Slaanesh:
Both Coaches secretly place a D6 on a side up of their choice, and at the same time they reveal their chosen result. If both Coaches Chose a 4+ they each have One random Player on the Pitch roll straight to Injury. If Both Players chosen result was not a 4+ (1-3) Nothing Happens to either Team, If One Player's chosen result was a 4+ and the other wasn't, the Player with the 4+ gains a RR, the other Player has one Random Player on the Pitch Roll straight to Injury.

7: Favor of the Gods: Make a Favor of the God Roll.

11:Changer of Ways:
Both Coaches Randomize a Player on their Team, and they immediately switch places on the Pitch.

12: More Blood for the Blood God:
When Fouling any result that is Badly Hurt or higher is Never Caught, any result that is Stunned or lower is always caught.

(All other results are unchanged)
There will be 4 Games Played .

Team Build Each Team gets 1,100,000

You can add Skills but no Stat Ups, no more than 2 Skills per player. 20k for a Normal Skill and 30k for a Double Skill

Star Players are allowed, as long as you can field 11 players before the Star Player, all Inducements are allowed, Goblins can get Bribes for 50k, Halflings can get a Halfling Master Chef for 100k

LRB 6.0 Rules for all 26 Teams. But including new star Players in addition.

Each Time the Favor of The Gods Kick Off Result is Rolled, if your team is Favored by that God, you gain a RR.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 09, 2020 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
Awaiting for Approval.

Odd Man Out : Rod Davidson
1 Grant H
2 Greg S
3 Zarek G
4 Joe M
5 Austin S
6 Tim K
7 Jennifer G
grant85 - Feb 10, 2020 - 08:11 AM
Post subject:
very keen to check out the new location. please put me down to attend. the 1.1 mil to build includes skills or no skills added to teams?
Clan_Skaven - Feb 10, 2020 - 10:19 AM
Post subject:
      grant85 wrote:
very keen to check out the new location. please put me down to attend. the 1.1 mil to build includes skills or no skills added to teams?

I can't believe I forgot to post skills. No stat Upgrades and no more than 2 skills per player.

Thanks for the catch Grant, it has been updated.

You can add Skills but no Stat Ups, no more than 2 Skills per player. 20k for a Normal Skill and 30k for a Double Skill
grant85 - Feb 11, 2020 - 06:59 AM
Post subject:
      Clan_Skaven wrote:
      grant85 wrote:
very keen to check out the new location. please put me down to attend. the 1.1 mil to build includes skills or no skills added to teams?

I can't believe I forgot to post skills. No stat Upgrades and no more than 2 skills per player.

Thanks for the catch Grant, it has been updated.

You can add Skills but no Stat Ups, no more than 2 Skills per player. 20k for a Normal Skill and 30k for a Double Skill

sounds good! it will be nice to have a bit of a break from all the amorical cup warm up builds. cheers
Notorious_jtb - Feb 11, 2020 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
      grant85 wrote:
      Clan_Skaven wrote:
      grant85 wrote:
very keen to check out the new location. please put me down to attend. the 1.1 mil to build includes skills or no skills added to teams?

I can't believe I forgot to post skills. No stat Upgrades and no more than 2 skills per player.

Thanks for the catch Grant, it has been updated.

You can add Skills but no Stat Ups, no more than 2 Skills per player. 20k for a Normal Skill and 30k for a Double Skill

sounds good! it will be nice to have a bit of a break from all the amorical cup warm up builds. cheers

Variety is the spice of life!
genghis - Feb 13, 2020 - 03:27 PM
Post subject: Re: Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th
      Clan_Skaven wrote:
2: Blessings of Nurgle:
Both Coaches Randomize one player on their Team and roll straight to Injury, if the result was Stunned or KO'd the affected player(s) gain Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence, and Nurgle's Rot , these added skills go away if there is a future Favor of the Gods Roll. (a successful Regeneration or an Apothecary roll ignores this result)

Quick question here... is Nurgle's Rot just there for (ugh) flavour? The Rotter joins your team after the game, so doesn't really have an effect in a resurrection tournament.
Clan_Skaven - Feb 14, 2020 - 10:59 PM
Post subject: Re: Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th
      genghis wrote:
      Clan_Skaven wrote:
2: Blessings of Nurgle:
Both Coaches Randomize one player on their Team and roll straight to Injury, if the result was Stunned or KO'd the affected player(s) gain Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence, and Nurgle's Rot , these added skills go away if there is a future Favor of the Gods Roll. (a successful Regeneration or an Apothecary roll ignores this result)

Quick question here... is Nurgle's Rot just there for (ugh) flavour? The Rotter joins your team after the game, so doesn't really have an effect in a resurrection tournament.

Doesn't a kill give you a free Rotter, sorry I don't play Nurgle

If not I guess it's flavour, .... a very Nurgly bad flavour
genghis - Feb 17, 2020 - 12:31 PM
Post subject: RE: Re: Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th
Free rotter joins your team after the game. It's not like a necromancer where you have the free zombie available for the next drive.
grant85 - Apr 06, 2020 - 11:21 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: Max Aggression Bowl Saturday April 25th
From Rod: Due to the current issues with the Corona Virus, the Max Aggression Bowl is cancelled. Stay safe everyone.
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