NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Defensive Assists

Dragonbait - Aug 22, 2003 - 12:39 PM
Post subject: Defensive Assists
Okay, just wanting to clarify something.

Picture this


player A + C are on the same team,

B wants to throw a block A. does C offer a defensive assist to player A since he is adjacent to the enemy player involved in the block?

just wanting to clarify, people are taking the wording in the LRB oddly and I wanna make sure I'm right.
BlanchPrez - Aug 22, 2003 - 01:31 PM
Post subject:
I would say yes. As long as Player C is not in the TZ of another player from the opposing team, then he can give an assist, both defensive and offensive.

Doubleskulls - Aug 24, 2003 - 03:11 AM
Post subject:
Yes. Basically you have to be next to the opposing involved in the block and no other opposing player.
Dragonbait - Aug 25, 2003 - 08:07 AM
Post subject:
Thank you thank you. Just wanted to clear it up.
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