NAF World Headquarters

North America - Da Boyz Bash 2022 - November 18th Rochester NY USA

Garion26 - Sep 16, 2022 - 11:38 AM
Post subject: Da Boyz Bash 2022 - November 18th Rochester NY USA
Hey folks I am not longer TOing the Da Boyz Bash but have passed it on to the able hands of another great coach and organizer.

I do want to invite everyone who has hoped to make Da Boyz in the past to come out to a fun event.

This is a FRIDAY event as part of a larger gaming three day gaming event (Warhammer 8th ed Fantasy, AoS and 40K as well as possibly Warhammer Underworlds)

Hope to see you come out.
Details can be found here

Registration is through the Best Coast Pairing system and can be found on the registration link on the page.

With best wishes to everyone.
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