NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Ostermark Cup 2023

grom - Feb 05, 2023 - 11:09 AM
Post subject: Ostermark Cup 2023
Hello, I would like to announce that we would like to create the middle European series as a Structured Tournament Series.

The series will consist of five tournaments:

1. Prague Bowl - Spring Open - organizer Grom - 2023-02-25 - 2023-02-26 (Prague) - 6 matches
2. Schnitzel Bowl - organiser Outcaarst - 2023-04-01 - 2023-04-02 (Wien) - 6 matches
3. Palinka Bowl - organizer Wolio - 2023-05-20 - 2023-05-21 (Budapest) - 6 matches
4. Aemona Bowl - organizer Red Dragon - October (TBA) (Ljubljana) - 5/6 matches
5. Krampus Bowl - organizer Outcaarst - December (TBA) (Wien) -3 matches

TSO - Grom - 21506

SCORING - we will use suggested scoring rules by NAF for points. We only will not use the rule that the coaches need to take two different teams (at least for the first season of thew series)

The season will end by the 5th tournament (Krampus).

I hope that it is everything you need for approval at this moment.

Thank you.

Cheers Grom
grom - Feb 15, 2023 - 04:09 AM
Post subject: RE: Habsburg Empire Cup
Hello, we had some discussions and we need to change the name of Series to Ostermark Cup.

Thank you.

grom - Feb 24, 2023 - 08:13 AM
Post subject: RE: Habsburg Empire Cup
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