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Strategy and Tactics - Tactics with Amazons?

GColeman76 - Sep 12, 2003 - 05:26 AM
Post subject: Tactics with Amazons?
Does anyone know of any good articles about amazon tactics with links if possible. Or does anyone have any good ideas about them?
Doubleskulls - Sep 12, 2003 - 06:31 AM
Post subject:
Find BB Mag #8 (?) with Chet's (very good) guide to 'zons
SuM - Sep 12, 2003 - 06:09 PM
Post subject:
Since no one is fessing up their Tactics, I will donate my Tactics... Some Amazon players might disagree with my tactics, but that is the way it goes...

Some of my observations...

- First skill for every Amazon, except for Blitzers is "Block".

- First Skill for Amazon Blitzers, should be in my Book, "Guard" or "Sure Hands", depending on the Job I want them to do...

- Dwarves are the "Anti-Amazon Race", their "Tackle" Skill negates the "Dodge" skill... The Bane of the Amazons...

- Main Tactic of the Amazons is the "Throwing Game", if you can't throw the ball down range, throw it across the Pitch, to earn SPP.
- Second Tactic is the Running Game... Using the "Cage" of Course...

- When in possession of the ball on the Kick-off, all Girls on the front line, to block together, and blast holes thru the defensive line... Main holes are on the inside of the Wide-Outs... Get a girl in the open and launch the ball, then work the "Cage" Tactic...

- When on Defense, 3 girls on the front line, side by side, all the others 1 square back... to make the Defensive players move and get but 1 Blitz (blocking action). This keeps them healthier to start a drive...

- Pray to the Blood Bowl Gods when rolling on the SPP Skill table: 10, 11, 12, and doubles...
*** I prefer the 11, = +1 to AG... bringing their stats up to Elvish skill Level... Rolling a 2+ on dodging and other Agility... Like passing, it can't be beat...

So there you have my input, any others wanna contribute????

"Blood Bowl is LIFE!!!"
Deathwing - Sep 12, 2003 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
      SuM wrote:
So there you have my input, any others wanna contribute????

I'm taking Amazons to Camcarnage next weekend...with the majority of possible opponents on this board..
er... not at this point, no! Smile

SuM - Sep 12, 2003 - 07:14 PM
Post subject:
Deathwing wrote:
I'm taking Amazons to Camcarnage next weekend...with the majority of possible opponents on this board..
er... not at this point, no!

LOL!!! Very Happy Very Happy
Point taken...
Trophy Good luck!!! Trophy

So, on Sunday night or Monday, you need to add to this post... ok????
SuM - Sep 21, 2003 - 04:22 AM
Post subject:
Any other Amazon Coaches???

I have a question for anyone, using Amazons...

When I'm on Defense, I only put 3 players on the Line of Scrimmage-

"Do any of you Zon Coaches put only 3 Players on the Line of Scrimmage when on Offense???"

I lost really bad last night...
I didn't lose any players to death, but the other team, Necromantics Team (we are using old Teams in our 16 player League here...), had their way with my Fragile Girlies... It seemed most of the game, I was standing my Team back up onto their feet... At the end of each half, I only had 4-5 girlies left on the pitch...

Score: 2-0, Loss for my team...

Things that made my worst Nightmares come to life:
- Weather Table Roll - Blizzard Conditions, the whole game, except for the 8th turn of the 2nd half... Not good for a Passing/ Finesse teams...
- He was rolling very well... Example: 1on1/ 1 die Blocks with his players, he always seemed to get a Pow Results Pow Pow ... Lucky Bastage!!!

Lady Luck didn't like me last night.... Nothing I can do about that...
**I did good on my Gold Roll tho, 2 games in a row, 70,000 gp both games... I bought 1 new Blitzer and 1 new linewoman, taking me up to 13 players...
**I rolled bad on the Fan Factor table again... 2 games in a row, minus 1 to my Base Fan Factor, I'm now down to 6 FF... BLAH!!!!!!

But here is what I'm gearing up my Girlies with:
Blitzers - 1st SPP Skill - "Guard"
Catchers - 1st SPP Skill - "Side Step"
Throwers - 1st SPP Skill - "Accurate"
Linewomen - 1st SPP Skill - "Block", except 1 of them I gotta give "Kick"...

Still, I'm crossing my fingers for a SPP Roll of "11"!!!!!

Gallowin1 - Sep 21, 2003 - 07:40 AM
Post subject: Re: Tactics with Amazons?
      gavrad76 wrote:
Does anyone know of any good articles about amazon tactics with links if possible. Or does anyone have any good ideas about them?

Chet's got lots of good advice on Amazon tactics. Reading through the previous posts I agree with a lot of the tactics for those people. What kind of game do you like to play?

IMO the amazons can get a Pow result just as much as any other team and playing a hitting game requires some luck & planning. I play a loose cage and dodge out any girls that get tied up to get in the way of pursuers. Yes Nuffle has blessed me with many injuries at my own hand but I'd rather them get hurt that way than to give my opponent uneccessary SPP.

Getting Dirty Player & Kick on linewomen is important too. Keeping your opponents down means they won't be hitting you. Controlling where the ball lands means controlling the game. It's hell on a strong side offense.

Play your game though. Amazons can pass, run, hit just as good as anyone. All having dodge means they are a big defensive team.

And for the record I rarely put more than 3 on the line with any team unless I can get the right block combinations.
Tutenkharnage - Sep 22, 2003 - 06:05 AM
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I usually keep 4-5 on the LoS when I'm on offense. If the defense decides to offer up more meat, I respond in kind.

SuM - Oct 22, 2003 - 03:27 AM
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I finally broke down, and went to the local gaming store and bought some Blood Bowl Mags. (5 Total)
I can't believe I went all this time without owning even one of them!!!

I bought the most current in stock, and all the back issues, I got home and I was impressed...

I leafed through all of them and came across BB Mag #8, it is the "Amazon Bible", WOW!!!
If you playAmazons and don't have BB Mag #8, get it!!!!
Even if you don't need any help, still that issue is great!!!!!
Darkson - Oct 22, 2003 - 10:21 AM
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Maybe you should ask DW for his advce now, seeing as he's #1. Wink
SuM - Nov 11, 2003 - 06:16 AM
Post subject:
I finally rolled an "11"!!!!!!

One of my Blitzers, not gaining any playing SPP, over the course of our league games, is up to 2 MVPs by luck.

I rolled her level up skill roll, and rolled my 1st +1 AG.. My 1st "10, 11 and 12"!!

With 10 Spp now, it won't be long till she hit 16 SPP... Maybe I will roll a 12, for her next.... "Yeah right..."
She is equal to a Wood Elf, but better, cuz she is a sexy Amazon Chick!!! heheheeeeeeee....
Indigo - Nov 11, 2003 - 06:35 AM
Post subject:
heh but with the shadowforge figs you get sexy wood elf chicks Wink

I think that's the first time I've ever used the word chick Shocked
SuM - Nov 11, 2003 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
      Indigo wrote:
heh but with the shadowforge figs you get sexy wood elf chicks Wink

I think that's the first time I've ever used the word chick Shocked

You must have read my mind!!

I was digging for Shadowforge Minis photos, to show off...
I'm planning on getting these Female Elves!!!

The Link to SF site

Khaine - Nov 11, 2003 - 05:00 PM
Post subject:
I Wouldn't play woodies if you paid me, but since I found a US shop that carries shadowforge I will be picking up these mini's for a display. They are just WAY to sweet looking to not own a set. I'm very impressed with shadowforge, but I would love if they made a female ogre team Smile
Tutenkharnage - Nov 12, 2003 - 10:19 AM
Post subject:
The Shadowforge minis are excellent, although the scale isn't quite up to Blood Bowl specs. For female minis, however, they're probably spot-on given the steroid-enhanced look of, say, Norse Blood Bowl models.

A friend of mine ordered Shadowforge minis to field his Amazon team. He used the Human models (the kind that look like real hard BB players). They're also very good.

SuM - Nov 12, 2003 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
I use mostly ShadowForge for my Blood Bowl Team, well my Amazons.
I use the Grid Irons, as my Amazons.

The Grid Irons are a great universal team, depending how you paint them.
They can be used for:
Make greenish white faces and dirty worn uniforms, they can be Undead
Chaos Add a few demons and wa-laa...
Green stuff some Capes, they become Vampires

The newer Grid Irons are easily converted too.
The bunny Team, is just plain Hot!!!

The New Elves could be used for any of the Elf teams...
Jedi_Knight_Amoeba - Jan 26, 2004 - 01:42 AM
Post subject:
My Amazon tactics are.....11 on the line when kicking. One space between the two in each widezone in regards to all those on the line of scrimmage. As for receiving, it all depends on who I am playing and what the situation is.....I've never lost a game with my Amazons in all 21 tries. I've been close to losing(two Overtime games) but have yet to be defeated while using 'Zons! If you put eleven on the line and use your Blodgers on the ends the line will usually hold early the end of they year your skills soar through the roof.....
Sometimes against certain teams(i.e. skaven and wood elves) I don't put the standard 11 members on the line but usually, yes.
Current Amazon Team Rating-246.......
Zombie - Jan 26, 2004 - 09:26 AM
Post subject:
      Jedi_Knight_Amoeba wrote:
Sometimes against certain teams(i.e. skaven and wood elves) I don't put the standard 11 members on the line but usually, yes.

I guess you could add dwarves and chaos dwarves to that list, or any other team with lots of tackle!
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