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Rules Questions - Pro skill re-roll, question with block dice roll...

Wolfpack_99 - Sep 12, 2003 - 09:21 AM
Post subject: Pro skill re-roll, question with block dice roll...
On the PRO skill, the description say's: ''Once per team turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll any ONE DICE ROLL HE HAS MADE''.
Now is this also affecting the Block dice? It says's one dice, if i'm throwing a block with two dices and not happy with it, i use Pro and re-roll, if i'm succeding with a 4-6, can i then re-roll only one block dice or the two??? Cause in the skill description it's mentionned ''one dice roll...'', so if i'm reading this right i can pick up only one block dice and re-roll it, hoping i I will get a better result?

tks, and let me know about this!
Indigo - Sep 12, 2003 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
Yes, you can use it to re-roll block dice. However it says one dice roll - this means you re-roll ALL dice that were used in the original block, e.g. 1, 2 or 3.

If it had said one die roll then it'd be one die only.
Clan_Skaven - Sep 12, 2003 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:

On the PRO skill, the description say's: ''Once per team turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll any ONE DICE ROLL HE HAS MADE''.
Now is this also affecting the Block dice? It says's one dice, if i'm throwing a block with two dices and not happy with it, i use Pro and re-roll, if i'm succeding with a 4-6, can i then re-roll only one block dice or the two??? Cause in the skill description it's mentionned ''one dice roll...'', so if i'm reading this right i can pick up only one block dice and re-roll it, hoping i I will get a better result?

tks, and let me know about this!

It says any one Dice roll, not die roll(Dice means plural) so one dice role is one role of howevermany dice are used in a block roll.
zeuzism - Oct 29, 2003 - 04:37 PM
Post subject:
I think the above is clear.

But, my problem (or must I say I see an opportunity Wink) with the Pro-skill is:
''Once per team turn, a Pro is allowed to re-roll ANY one dice roll he has made''

As a munchkin (I am) I would say that includes armour and injury rolls.

Taking the rules (LRB 2.0) literally there is no rule against this because only the rules for TEAM re-rolls forbid it, but they do not apply for skills.

Is this a loophole or simply legitimate?
Didacsoy - Oct 29, 2003 - 05:32 PM
Post subject:
First of all, saying that I haven't look it up on the LRB, so I'm asuming you didn't miss anything. Thus provided that:

Well, if you put it that way, it should be legitimate, but (great BUT) I think it goes against the "spirit of the rules". I think it was intended that you couldn't re-roll ANY armour or injury roll to avoid situations like: 'oh, well, I'll re-roll that foul again because I need that player out (or got sent out when IGMEOY was not official)' or possible abuses on the pro skill (I mean if you didn't pass the armour roll, you wouldn't be losing anything pro re-rolling it, and you'd be virtually halving the other's team armour effectivity -huge impact, huh?- )

Don't know what others think about it, but that way, the pro skill would be very unbalancing indeed IMHO, so I'd say it's a loophole (and so it should be re-worded apropriately).
Zombie - Oct 29, 2003 - 05:34 PM
Post subject:
You used to be able to use pro on armour rolls (but not on injury rolls). Now, you can't use it on either. Must be somewhere in the rules and you missed it.
zeuzism - Oct 29, 2003 - 05:44 PM
Post subject:

Must be somewhere in the rules and you missed it.

I think not, so please inform me where?

I know it is a loophole, but I love loopholes, I play with Dwarfs you see. They are beardy. Wink Maybe the rules committe could fix this one, while they're at it.
fnord23 - Oct 29, 2003 - 10:25 PM
Post subject:
What does it say in the last line of the "pro" skill description; page 36 of the
LRB 2?


It says " A player cannot use this skill to re-roll an armour or injury roll"
zeuzism - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:26 AM
Post subject:
Embarassed I read it twice... and then after the zombie comment I read it for the third time, I must be frikkin blind. But thanks anyway. I won't be giving my slayer the pro skill now I suppose.
Case closed I say.
Didacsoy - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:38 AM
Post subject:
Laughing Laughing Laughing LOL Laughing Laughing Laughing

Signed: Another blind freak! Laughing
Zombie - Oct 30, 2003 - 02:33 AM
Post subject:
Pro is still the best skill there is for a troll slayer. It lets you reroll failed dauntless rolls, and unwanted block results (including pow sometimes) so you can keep on frenzying.

The only players who have as much use for pro as the troll slayers are big guys (no access to team rerolls) and vampires (for rerolling hypnotic gaze).
GalakStarscraper - Oct 30, 2003 - 06:15 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie69 wrote:
Pro is still the best skill there is for a troll slayer. It lets you reroll failed dauntless rolls, and unwanted block results (including pow sometimes) so you can keep on frenzying.

The only players who have as much use for pro as the troll slayers are big guys (no access to team rerolls) and vampires (for rerolling hypnotic gaze).

Troll Slayer, Big Guys, Vampires ... yup ... I have to agree with Zombie that would be the best uses of the Pro skill. (If new OFAB becomes official ... even more reasons for Vampires to have Pro).

Tutenkharnage - Oct 30, 2003 - 06:20 AM
Post subject:
We run Pro differently in my league. Pro is a General trait. It allows the player to pick any normal skill (as determined by the player's access to various skill categories) before the match and use that skill in place of Pro.

Anyway, it's a different take, more like a "jack of all trades" (i.e., a well-rounded "pro"). Only one player has the skill at the moment: an Elf Catcher who frequently jumps between Block and Side Step. Many other players use their trait rolls on standard choices (e.g., Stand Firm, Jump Up, Frenzy, Leader).

kalten - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:12 PM
Post subject:
I like the Chet view on the pro skill - I may have to experiment with that one...cheers for the idae Smile
Tutenkharnage - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:28 PM
Post subject:
Good luck. It works for us, that's all I can say. (In fact, I got the idea from another coach in our league after several coaches had wrangled with it.) We figured there were skill re-rolls and team re-rolls for just about everything else already.

I'm less than thrilled with the ubiquitous nature of Pro on negaskilled guys; if you share that feeling, you'll probably like this skill. If you prefer an easy way to escape failed Bonehead rolls, this skill is not for you.

Didacsoy - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
Hey, Chet, that's a nice one. I think I'll comment it at the MadBowl with the coaches I'll meet there to find out what they think about it.
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