NAF World Headquarters

North America - PhilCon 2003 - Philadelphia, PA USA 12th-14th December

jaylazer - Sep 16, 2003 - 08:10 AM
Post subject: PhilCon 2003 - Philadelphia, PA USA 12th-14th December
Announcing the first annual PhilCon Bowl in Philadelphia.

This will be a 1 day tournament held during the 12th-14th of December. I don't have the exact date yet. The PhilCon people are still figuring some things out.

It will be a 3 round, swiss style tournament using LRB 2.0 as the base. TR 100 teams. 1 Star Player per team using the Gen-Con SP rules.

Look at for all the details.

PhilCon, the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention, is the premiere science fiction convention in Philadelphia. You can get mroe information about it at

There is no cost for this tournament beyond the PhilCon Entry fee $45 for the full 3 days. 1 day admissions are available but they aren't saying how much.

Pre registration and questions should be sent to:

Hope to see you here.
jaylazer - Nov 25, 2003 - 08:59 AM
Post subject:
Hello Everyone,

Here's an update on the tournament for anyone who might be interested.

The official day of the tournament will be Sunday December 12th.

For those interested in just the tournament, a one-day ticket for Sunday wiil be $20.

So far I don't have quite the response I was hoping for. I've got 6 (possibly 7) coaches pre-registered.

It might end up being a very intimate tournament but I'm committed to making it as much fun as I can.
Indigo - Nov 25, 2003 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
that's probably due to december... most people generally need to save up for xmas Wink

good luck though
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