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Strategy and Tactics - Wood Elf team adv? (All linemen)

MenionLeah - Sep 18, 2003 - 11:20 AM
Post subject: Wood Elf team adv? (All linemen)
I'm fielding an all lineman wood elf team with three rerolls and 8 FF. They seem to do pretty well with their 3 ST and 4 here's my question. It's been said on this board to take dodge for all elf linemen with the first skill, but without any real skill players, I'm thinking about developing different linemen into throwers, receivers, and runningbacks. I don't want to buy a thrower ($$$) or a catcher (ST2). Thoughts?

Also, should I next buy a wardancer or a treeman with my 130k?
Melifaxis - Sep 18, 2003 - 11:40 AM
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PRO gets you generic rerolls for passing/throwing etc
Khaine - Sep 18, 2003 - 12:14 PM
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As for purchasing, I would lean twards a wardancer... I personally don't think trees are all that great of an addition <personal opinion from playing with them nothing more.> It seems every time you need something crucial to happen your tree is either off lolly gaging in the forest or laying around catching rays turning water into sap. A wardancer by it's very nature is a fear causer, and with the right skills is very very nasty..
Indigo - Sep 18, 2003 - 01:25 PM
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I'd definitely get a catcher, and preferably two.
With one skill or stat increase you have a 1 turn scorer...
Doubleskulls - Sep 18, 2003 - 01:26 PM
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On an all Line elf team I'd take Kick first. Its a great skill for giving you the opportunity to stop a cage forming in the 1st place.

Don't try to develop a thrower. They aren't that expensive and you will effectively be wasting doubles that could go on Guard or Dauntless.

I'd also try to stick to the bread & butter skills - Block & Dodge (naturally) but also Tackle and Sidestep. IMO those sorts of players tend to help a lot more on both offence and defence than specialised players.

For purchases get the 2 War Dancers asap as they rock.
Longshot - Sep 18, 2003 - 02:51 PM
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Dont take dodge on all of them
pick some different skills like Kick some block, tacle....
Catchers are very good!
You need a thrower (with accurate, he becomes a nightmare for your opponents) and Wardancer are of course great!
Positionnal players in a WE team are very good, use them!
Treeman? useless at the beginning
JJB - Sep 18, 2003 - 03:43 PM
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I suggest you don't develop a thrower, so that you can indiscrimately use all your linemen to pick up and pass the ball, thus ensuring an even distribution of SPPs among them. I have done that will all the elven teams I've fielded since I learnt to play BB properly (i.e. after a year in my current league... Wink ) and this has worked very well.
You can always buy an actual thrower once you have 13-14 players in your team. Since all the SPPs for completions will be collected by him, you can be sure that he will improve quickly and catch up with the rest of your players.
As to the skills, dodge is very good if you want to focus on a pure agile game, yet against teams with more than 3 players with tackle you will suffer. Block should be evenly shared with dodge, and will also guarantee you a few 'safe' blocks. Just use your players so that the blockers will be less likely to be forced to dodge than your dodgers...
Finally, use those 130k for a wardancer - this is, in my opinion, imperative.
A treeman, although nice in theory, still only turns up 1/2 times only at the second half, i.e. your team will have 11 more TR points even though the player responsible for that increase may not be here for the first half, during which your opponent can beat you up at leisure... A treeman is also quite easy to run away from, and obviously a good source of turnovers until he gets the block skill (since you cannot use team rerolls on him).
A wardancer will make you a very good scorer, blitzer, and particularly cage breaker. I even suggest that you buy another wardancer as your second purchase. Never underestimate the value of that guy.
On top of that, he constitutes an excellent fear factor: his mere presence on the pitch will make your opponent dread his cage breaking abilities, and push him into adopting a more 'conservative' defensive strategy. This amounts to saying that you will start controlling the game of your opponent only by placing that guy on the pitch...
Longshot - Sep 18, 2003 - 06:44 PM
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You need a thrower! he have pass and give you much more space to your pass actions! first skill: accurate, and you can easily do Long Pass giving you more space again!
Doubleskulls - Sep 19, 2003 - 02:58 AM
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A War Dancer 1st. Those guys can win games single handedly.
DarkDancer17 - Sep 19, 2003 - 06:44 AM
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Amen to the above...

Wardancers... wow. I love these guys, as they always come through for me. Add the skills they get from SPP? People loathe to see them on the field.

Catchers? I love mine. Have two of them. Speed demons, and with the right skills, they are damn near impossible to pin down.

Throwers... I have a couple. One has Strong arm. It's just silly how easily they complete a pass.

And yes, I have a Treeman. I have mixed feeling about him. Misses the game a lot, but when he is on, there is no better Center for me. Very Happy
Tutenkharnage - Sep 19, 2003 - 01:31 PM
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You can hire 12 Linemen, tops. You will need Throwers or Catchers. Or at least one, if you plan on hiring a Treeman.

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