NAF World Headquarters

North America - Are we ever gonna see OFFICIAL results from Chaos Cup?!?!?

KamikazeRudy - Sep 23, 2003 - 01:52 PM
Post subject: Are we ever gonna see OFFICIAL results from Chaos Cup?!?!?
I understand that people may be busy, but GW's complete lack of involvement in the Chaos Cup is disgusting. It's been 2 months, and the only results we've seen are from galak's site. Why bother running the tournament if you put it on the back burner as soon as the gamers leave?

And are the NAF rankings going to updated?
Tim - Sep 26, 2003 - 08:57 AM
Post subject: Re: Are we ever gonna see OFFICIAL results from Chaos Cup?!?
      KamikazeRudy wrote:
Why bother running the tournament if you put it on the back burner as soon as the gamers leave?

Because you don't get money for the aftermath ...

From a "service" perspective, nothing beats a well run private tournament. If all the work we did for the Mannheim Massaker would have to be paid for, the cost would have been double at least. GW UK did a nice job on the Blood Bowl, but i think the other countries are not doing very well ...

I fear the worst for "official" 2004 Dungeon Bowl in Germany ... i think it might end up as a 40 player (30 of em power gaming kids) - 1 day tournament on a forgotten side wing of the Gamesday venue with a no preregistration, but show up and play organization.
Doubleskulls - Sep 26, 2003 - 09:58 AM
Post subject: Re: Are we ever gonna see OFFICIAL results from Chaos Cup?!?
      Tim wrote:
I fear the worst for "official" 2004 Dungeon Bowl in Germany ... i think it might end up as a 40 player (30 of em power gaming kids) - 1 day tournament on a forgotten side wing of the Gamesday venue with a no preregistration, but show up and play organization.

Germans are just so badly organised. Maybe you should give it to Italy? Very Happy
GalakStarscraper - Sep 26, 2003 - 03:50 PM
Post subject: Re: Are we ever gonna see OFFICIAL results from Chaos Cup?!?
      KamikazeRudy wrote:
I understand that people may be busy, but GW's complete lack of involvement in the Chaos Cup is disgusting. It's been 2 months, and the only results we've seen are from galak's site. Why bother running the tournament if you put it on the back burner as soon as the gamers leave?

And are the NAF rankings going to updated?

I thought Gregg was handling the NAF entry of results. I think the results on my site are as good as its going to get.

However ... this reminds me that I need to finalize the results the links on my site so that folks can get to them for the GenCon Bowl 2003

Xtreme - Sep 26, 2003 - 04:18 PM
Post subject:
Just all the more reason to email GW and tell them how much better GenCon was and try and get the two unified. THough I know it probably will never happen, maybe it will get them to change their ways. As it is now IMO the major tourny in the US is GenCon not the Chaos Cup, but I will still be going to both next year.
Deathwing - Sep 26, 2003 - 07:01 PM
Post subject:
Chaos Cup results should be entered into the rankings over the course of the weekend. Smile
KamikazeRudy - Sep 27, 2003 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
Thanks DW - I wasn't upset about the NAF rankings not being updated. I was just inquiring about those. You guys are cool in my book just because you set up this whole thing on your own time.

Much Thanks.
neoliminal - Sep 28, 2003 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
We got data from GW friday.

There is some data missing and we will have to reconstruct that part of the event. I should be able to get that data monday. Results added as soon as we can.
Deathwing - Sep 30, 2003 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
The Chaos Cup results have been entered into the rankings.
neoliminal - Sep 30, 2003 - 09:08 AM
Post subject:
I would like to publically thank everyone involved in getting the Chaos Cup results entered. Deathwing, Gregg, Tim Huckleberry. It was very hard and took a lot of patience, but the results are in and we learned a lot about inter-organizational communications that should pay off dividends in later GW tournaments.

Again, thanks everyone who helped get these results in.
Longshot - Oct 03, 2003 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
cool, i am still the only one up to 200 Smile
Tojurub - Oct 10, 2003 - 01:40 PM
Post subject: Missing data for CC 2003
I send an e-mail to Gregg and he said he will forward it to the right person. (Thanks Gregg Very Happy ).

Since the results are posted (or at least some of them) and one finds a missing game for him/herself, maybe we can post it here to make it easier for the NAF folks. Idea

For example: I had five games (as we all had), but only 2 are showing. But I know that I played game #5 against tinywv....what a game! 1s and Skull all over the place for both of us (1hr game time) and I somehow ended up with a 1-0 win.

I don't know if my opponent in game #3 is NAF member, doesn't look like my opponent of game #4 is.

Question Question for Galak: Do you think you have time to modify your webpage with the CC results in a way so it shows the NAF# for the NAF members next to the names. That might help?!

Also, question for the NAF members guru: Why doesn't "squighunter" show up in the Members List????????

Deathwing - Oct 10, 2003 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:
On this as we speak. Gregg brought it to my attention and I checked up and indeed I just plain missed it when I entered the results. My apologies. The spreadsheets GW used for both the BB and Chaos Cup weren't the easiest things to extract the information we needed from, a lot of cross referencing was required. As Neo pointed out elsewhere, it's still a learning curve right now, but we are improving constantly through experience (for example we're currently looking to put into place a better method to insert results into the database at the necessary point in time, which will make cases like this easier (and much faster) to correct.)

We'll get the result in ASAP. Smile
Deathwing - Oct 11, 2003 - 06:15 AM
Post subject:
Ok, it's in. Smile
Tojurub - Oct 13, 2003 - 06:35 AM
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Thank you!

I also like the way you changed the's now much better to see who played when....GREAT JOB

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