NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Different experimental Ogre team

Mordredd - Oct 22, 2003 - 07:42 AM
Post subject: Different experimental Ogre team
At UK Games Day I saw the 3 ups for a new plastic regiment called Narloks. (I still don't know how it is spelt, and I have not managed to find any pictures either.) The models were very cool, and were described as being a sort of Goblin but, whereas Goblins are cruel, Narloks are wacky and stupid. They are to be a regiment in the forthcoming Ogre Kingdom Warhammer army.

I had some Ogre models I wanted to use but we didn't like any of the current experimental teams (I bought them for someone else to use, but he promptly left the league afterwards Rolling Eyes .) In short, we didn't like the idea of really stupid Ogres, the possibility of 11 Ogres on the field, or Ogre 'position players'. We did not, however, have any alternatives of our own until I heard of Narloks and the Ogre Kingdom.

So, based on my (probably totally unreliable) information we constructed a different Ogre team.

0-6 Rookie Ogres (identical to normal Rookie Ogres but no Big Guy)
0-10 Narloks (identical to Goblins but with really stupid)
Re rolls 70k
The Ogres can assist (or rather bully) the stupid Narloks, but only if they have not already failed their bonehead roll.

I have played 3 games so far, and their performance has been universally woefully bad. The starting team was 5 Ogres, 6 Narloks, FF 2, RR 2.

Game 1: Win 2-1 to Chaos Dwarves. He sets up to drive hard down one sideline, but the kick scatters to the far side. A Hobgoblin gets the ball, but can't be protected from the nearest Ogres blitz. A Narlok, with 2 Ogre body guards, quickly goes over for the first TD, however the CD score an equaliser 2 turns later as half the team goes stupid and just watches the Bull Centaurs run past with the ball. The second half involves both teams fumbling the ball around the line of scrimmage for 5 turns, until a Narlok gets free. 2 Ogres usher him over the line for the winner. FF falls to 1.

Game 2: Lose 2-0 to Necromantics. He very professionally separated the Narloks from the Ogres. Half the team went stupid, and the other half were totally ineffective without the support. The score line flattered the Ogres, the Necros should have scored more. In both these games the TR difference was quite small. FF falls to, er, 1.

Game 3: Lose 1-0 to Orcs (TR 180 to my TR 107). My handicap rolls saved the first half, he lost his 2 best blitzers and both his BOBs for the first drive (6 turns), I gained a re roll and he couldn't foul Very Happy . And I received, but I was still 1-0 down at half time. Second half I kicked off, and rolled blitz Very Happy Very Happy . 3 turns later and I was 1 square from scoring before I lost the ball, but it took his thrower 4 turns to pick up the ball Laughing so he couldn't score either. First Ogre gains a skill (block Rolling Eyes ).

The team has been great fun to play. The team looks scary, like an Ogre team should, but it's game plan is programmed to self destruct within about 2 turns. The re rolls burn up within the first quarter, and from then on their incompetence knows no bounds. Very Happy Laughing

It will be interesting to see if they retain this character when the Ogres have got skilled up, but what I really want is your feedback, comments and suggestions.
Indigo - Oct 22, 2003 - 08:04 AM
Post subject:
What does this team add to the game that the Ogre team won't?
Also, I immediately thought "another team to be added" when it's been made clear no more teams will be added after the current raft of experimental ones.

can't really say I like it, but kudos for thinking it out. what were the narlok figures like anyway?
Doubleskulls - Oct 22, 2003 - 08:36 AM
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      Indigo wrote:
it's been made clear no more teams will be added after the current raft of experimental ones.

I missed that. Who/When/Where?
Doubleskulls - Oct 22, 2003 - 08:38 AM
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As for the team suggestion, maybe give the Narloks bone head too? RS sounds like a bit much IMO - especially if you still paying 40k.
Mordredd - Oct 22, 2003 - 08:50 AM
Post subject:
The only real difference is in the head.
Goblin: Big pointy teeth, high cheek bones, eyes close together, long pointy nose. Looks cruel.
Narlock: Small teeth, wide face with eyes further apart to make more of a T shape, blunt nose. Looks rather slow witted.

It is a possible competitor for the other experimental Ogre teams doing the rounds rather than an addition to them. It is designed to give them an air of silliness that the others seem to lack.

Yes, RS on the Narloks is a bit much, but it's a lot of fun. And it may be the only thing to hold the Ogres back when they start to get good. The high price was part of making the team a serial loser on a par with 'flings.
Indigo - Oct 22, 2003 - 09:18 AM
Post subject:
      Doubleskulls wrote:
      Indigo wrote:
it's been made clear no more teams will be added after the current raft of experimental ones.

I missed that. Who/When/Where?

Jervis said it at Games Day in the fanatic seminar, and IIRC it's in the article about the Undead splitting into three.

I'll read through all my BB mags until I find it
Mordredd - Oct 22, 2003 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
He said it at the NAF exclusive seminar during the Blood Bowl too. He expressed the opinion that there were enough fast/hitting/whatever teams already and that another new team would have to work very hard to be different enough to earn their place.
Doubleskulls - Oct 22, 2003 - 10:08 AM
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Like the Pro Elves? Wink
Mordredd - Oct 22, 2003 - 10:13 AM
Post subject:
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Nothing like consistency Wink
Darkson - Oct 22, 2003 - 10:32 AM
Post subject:
There's a picture of Narlocs (sp?) posted somewhere on TBB.
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