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Strategy and Tactics - Beginner Orc Tactics

galaga88 - Oct 27, 2003 - 10:23 PM
Post subject: Beginner Orc Tactics
Well, a new season of the Blood Bowl league is starting here soon, and that means I'll finally get to play for real. I ordered a helluva huge Orcy team from GW, and I'm ready to go. All I need, is to not lose..

I played a quick match against a friend's amazons, and lost 2-1 in overtime. Really, I should have won it, but I think I learned some important lessons.. He screwed up the early score, and I stomped across the field, with a pass to a blitzer at the end to score. On the next half, I formed the cage, and tried to slowly cross the field, but he managed to knock the ball free, and get a touchdown in the last turn. Same basic thing happened in overtime.

I tried to spread my guys out for maximum tackle zone coverage, but I just couldn't stop the Amazons from doing what they wanted. They dodged their way where they pleased, and frequently I could get only one or two blocks a turn. I didn't feel blocking with anybody but my blitzers was worth it, since only two results on the die would knock anybody down, one of which took me down as well. I got very frustrated with a total of one casualty, despite my best efforts.

Da' Cage, I figured out quickly not to literally surround my ball carrier. I ran into a rotten problem, where he'd arrange a block/blitz on a guy who only had one block die, and could pushback a huge chain of orcs to get my ball carrier into the open, which sucked. I'm assuming I should leave a few gaps, so that pushbacks don't dislodge the ball-carrier? And I'll have to make sure a Blitzer has it, despite my fear of him fumbling a simple hand-off.

I like having a goblin on the field, he's great for maneuvering around and fouling players. It was pretty amusing and terrifying both when he ended up catching the ball for the kickoff reception, and the amazons stormed ater him. A pitch invasion took out the intended receiver, and opened a hole in my line to the gobbo :p

My current team is..

4 Linemen
1 Thrower
3 Black Orc Blockers
2 Blitzers
2 Goblins
3 Re-Rolls
7 Fan Factor

Any tips for the beginner?
Grasshopper - Nov 10, 2003 - 10:42 AM
Post subject:
Nope, but I feel your pain. I'm starting my second season EVER and I'm using a WAAAGH team too. Just played a Scrimmage against the Greenie's racial rivals (the hated stunty's) and got my green ass handed to me. While it was a scoreless scrum, I only had on BOB left on the field at the end of the half. He took out everyone including my Troll. I mean Come ON ! ! !


4 Black Orcs
2 Blitzers
2 throwers
2 Gobbos
1 Troll

2 ReRolls
8 Fan Factor
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