NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Vampire Coutns team rules; suggestions please...

dlb1969 - Feb 20, 2003 - 09:47 AM
Post subject: Vampire Coutns team rules; suggestions please...
I've made a couple of changes, so please look this over and give me some suggestions.
I've been working on this team for several weeks now to try and get it accepted by the members of my league. I will post the team after I nixed all ST4/AG4 vamps. I origianlly left the Von Carsteins with ST4/AG4, but that just didn't seem right. I went another direction and added skills.

Von Carsteins
0-12 30k zombies 4 3 2 8 regen GN
0-4 90k wights 6 3 3 8 block, regen GN
0-4 110k vamps 7 3 4 8 leap, side step, OFAB GN, AG

Blood Dragons
0-12 30k zombies 4 3 2 8 regen GN
0-4 90k wights 6 3 3 8 block, regen GN
0-4 120k vamps 6 4 3 9 mighty blow, frenzy, OFAB GN, ST

0-12 30k zombies 4 3 2 8 regen GN
0-4 70k ghouls 7 3 3 7 dodge GN, AG
0-4 120k vamps 6 4 3 8 frenzy, razor sharp claws, regen, OFAB GN, ST

0-12 30k zombies 4 3 2 8 regen GN
0-4 90k wights 6 3 3 8 block, regen GN
0-4 120k vamps 7 3 4 8 dodge, foul appearance, OFAB GN, AG

0-12 30k zombies 4 3 2 8 regen GN
0-4 90k wights 6 3 3 8 block, regen GN
0-4 120k vamps 7 3 4 8 dodge, hypnotic gaze, OFAB GN, AG

RR for each team 70k and no apoth available. The team is lead by a vamp lord just as the undead team and has the same powers of reanimating dead players from the opposing team.

I didn't give every vamp regen because when I looked through the vamp counts army book the only one I saw that could actually take regen as a special ability was the Strigoi. Some of this is not exactly as it is in my league right now because a few of the members stated that they thought these teams were too powerful. I don't think they are anymore powerful than the currrent Necro and Khemri teams or even the original undead team.
I think I read on here that someone thought the Khemri team was too powerful, well I agree that they are pretty tough. I think the Necro team is far more powerful than they though. That flesh golem, ghouls, wight, werewolf combo is killer. We had a rookie to BB, i.e. had only played a few practice games, beat an experienced player 4-0 with the werewolf scoring all 4 TDs and he also caused a SI.
Let me know what you think about the vamp teams.
skummy - Feb 20, 2003 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
I really like what you've done with them. It's got a lot more flavor and balance than a straight 4 str 4ag vampire team. I'd want to see a few things playtested, but think it's a great direction to go in.

The Strigoi worry me a lot, though. 4 strength and Razor Sharp Claws, with access to strength skills and Piling On. +4 vs armor and +2 vs injury on a potential 4 players who regenerate? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Von Carstins - maybe Dodge instead of Side Step, and lower their armor by a point?

The rest look really nice, though.
dlb1969 - Feb 20, 2003 - 12:18 PM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
I really like what you've done with them. It's got a lot more flavor and balance than a straight 4 str 4ag vampire team. I'd want to see a few things playtested, but think it's a great direction to go in.

The Strigoi worry me a lot, though. 4 strength and Razor Sharp Claws, with access to strength skills and Piling On. +4 vs armor and +2 vs injury on a potential 4 players who regenerate? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Von Carstins - maybe Dodge instead of Side Step, and lower their armor by a point?

The rest look really nice, though.

I've thought about taking that RSC from the strigoi also and just giving them the ability to take that on a doubles roll. At least that way they would have to actually use a doubles roll on the physical trait.
Dodge could work too I was just going for something different than the Necrarchs and Lahmia. I could always change that though. I've had some say that they should probably not have side step because they would be very difficult to knock off the pitch near the sidelines and many have told me they should have earn that type of skill. I can't see lowering their armor though since all the vamps are very tough in WHFB. I mean they are at the very least as tough as trolls, ogres, and minotaurs and the lords are more powerful than that.
Dave - Feb 21, 2003 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:
Nice!!! but ...

I would take zombies only. Skeletons are Khemri only it seems, or that is the way BBRC / JJ wants them to go

I'd give all vamps one less skill

Lahmian, drop pro / dodge
Necrarch, drop dodge / pro
strigoi, drop RSC
Blood Dragons, drop MB / pro
Carstein, drop leap

I'd choose to lose pro on the Lahmian, Dodge on teh Necrarch, Pro on the BD.

I think the basic vamps have too many skills for beginning players. They are allmost Star players before they even gain block, what will make them allmost instoppable.

Which version of OFAB do you suggest?

The current one, that make the Vamps WAAAAAY too strong or the old, better one.


Good thinking!!

The current vamps SUCK big time (pun intended) Laughing Laughing Laughing
Mordredd - Mar 03, 2003 - 06:03 PM
Post subject:
I have run a small league using my own vampire teams. All the teams have no Vampire Lord player and no access to star players. Only the Necrarch coach can raise the dead like the standard undead team. The Vampires all have hypnotic gaze and regenerate, but not off for a bite. The Vampires could all choose GEN, ST or AG skills. The Lahmian team can hire an apothecary, but other than that no wizards or apothecaries are allowed. Team rerolls 70k. Other players are standard, including cost.

Von Carsteins
0-2 Vampires 130k 6 4 4 8
0-12 Zombies
0-12 Skeletons
0-4 Ghouls
0-4 Wights

Blood Dragons
0-2 Vampires 150k 6 4 4 9 Block
0-12 Skeletons
0-6 Wights

0-2 Vampires 130k 6 4 4 8 Frenzy
0-12 Zombies
0-6 Ghouls

0-2 Vampires 130k 6 4 4 8 Foul Appearance
0-12 Zombies
0-4 Ghouls
0-4 Wights

0-2 Vampires 150k 7 4 4 8 Dodge Stunty*
0-12 Human Linemen
0-4 Human Position Players
*Stunty includes +1 to injuries, after all most Lahmians have the bodies of teenage girls.

The Von Carsteins and Blood Dragons have each been through a season. They particularly struggled against Orcs, Chaos, Dwarves and Chaos Dwarves, where they got really pounded. The games against Wood Elves and Skaven were also the closest and most exciting games of the league. The Strigoi have been through several one off games, during which razor sharp claws was removed for being far too nasty. I hope to start testing the Necrarchs or the Lahmians soon.

None of the coaches who have played those teams that have been tested felt that the teams as they stand were too powerful. Similarly no one felt that it was impossible to stop a Vampire with the ball in hand either. Hard, but not impossible. Just like big guys there are ways and means for almost any team to deal with them.

I think that's enough for my first ever post. Give it some thought.
Dave - Mar 04, 2003 - 01:22 AM
Post subject:
I think this might be a (the ??) good way to go
Grumbledook - Mar 04, 2003 - 03:53 AM
Post subject:
I can't see jervis putting in 5 different vampire teams. The new models due out late this year look fantastic and blood bowl is becoming blood bowl not warhammer football.
Dave - Mar 04, 2003 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
Totally agree, but they can be nice house rules, just like the skaven clan - bowl
Mordredd - Mar 05, 2003 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
I was thinking of submitting them to Fanatic as precisely that sort of self contained league. I too have seen the new Vampire Counts models, at JJ's seminar at the Blood Bowl. He also talked about the new Elves, saying that thay would represent the professional High Elf players (the current High Elves being amateurs I presume!)

My point being that the Vampire Counts listed above can be the (admittedly house rules only) amateurs while the gorgeous new Vampires will be the pro's. Twisted Evil

And it gives us conversion nuts something to do.
tommyboy - Mar 05, 2003 - 03:39 PM
Post subject:
I doubt JJ will go for 5 Vamp teams, but I really think there should be 5 different teams. Why have Norse or Amazon teams? Humans are humans??? There is a definite difference between Stirgoi Vamps and Von Carsteins. And GW's goal is to sell more mini's; 5 teams= more mini's, more sales.
Anyway, I know it won't happen, but I think it should.
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