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Rules Questions - What are the chances of Ageing being dropped ?

SBG - Oct 29, 2003 - 09:25 AM
Post subject: What are the chances of Ageing being dropped ?
Like it has been dropped in the (Galak's) MBBL? Our league is beginning his next season soon with fresh teams. I wanted to suggest that we drop Ageing, but my point would be made easier if I knew the chances of that change becoming official. What do you think?

Gamethyme - Oct 29, 2003 - 01:30 PM
Post subject:
I actually LIKE aging. My problem with it is that, after a certain point, players no longer age. Meaning that, if you can avoid injury, there is a chance of your abilities never degenerating.

(Mind you, if that happens, I just send Aeneas to have a nice chat with them when we play ... Mmmmm. Piling On, Mighty Blow.)
SBG - Oct 29, 2003 - 01:40 PM
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Well, you're one of the few guys I know liking it, but what can I say! Wink I really don't like my 6 SPP Bull Centaur gaining a Niggling when nobody hit him...

GalakStarscraper - Oct 30, 2003 - 05:40 AM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
Well, you're one of the few guys I know liking it, but what can I say! Wink I really don't like my 6 SPP Bull Centaur gaining a Niggling when nobody hit him...


I also don't like dredding that in my current LRB league PBeM game my favorite Ogre just made 32 SPPs and wondering if his career is over at the end of the game.

There is something basically completely wrong with a system that makes me hate getting new skills. That part of the game used to be fun and exciting ... now it just sucks. Yes, I hate aging. I know 50% of BBers like it and 50% don't. Put me in the later group.

kalten - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:07 PM
Post subject:
"4. Ageing
The ageing rules are modified here so that only at the end of each season do you roll for each player in your team that has at least 1 star player ability to see if they age as per the normal rules for ageing."

Thats how the rules read in my league - this way your player only roles once and the more skilled he is the more chance he may have picked up a knock on the way. It still sucks but I can see why they needed a balance for REALLY powefull players like the above mentioned Bull Centaur!

It adds that little bit of wondering just exactly what ARE our players doing in the down season? mmmmm? Too many girls and drugs if you ask me! Smile
Zombie - Oct 30, 2003 - 01:41 PM
Post subject:
That's a good house rules, but it could never become official. Why? Because there is nothing in the rules that specifies the length a season should have, or even forces you to have seasons!

But like i said, a good house rule. It's just that it can never be more than that.
neoliminal - Oct 30, 2003 - 11:15 PM
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Zombie is quite right. We considered a seasonal rule for aging and it would have been less intrusive, but ultimately you can't dictate length of season (or even seasons at all). That left games played, skill gains, MVP rolls and SPP markers as possible places to put aging.
SBG - Oct 31, 2003 - 06:48 AM
Post subject:
      neoliminal wrote:
Zombie is quite right. We considered a seasonal rule for aging and it would have been less intrusive, but ultimately you can't dictate length of season (or even seasons at all). That left games played, skill gains, MVP rolls and SPP markers as possible places to put aging.

Why have it at all ? Just make the injury rolls 2-6 stunned; 7-8 KO and 9+ Roll on Sigurd's table. Or if you don't want to change that table, gain a Niggling on 31-36 as well on the "Miss Next Game Table". Anyway, don't want to stir up old discussions on Ageing. I think it's the worst rule of the game.

noodle1978uk - Oct 31, 2003 - 07:40 AM
Post subject:
We too change the ageing and niggling rules to make it all in game (anyone who wants to see can on our website). I'm not against "ageing", but it could be more characterful...

I *AM* against the latest hint of future changes worsening team progression EVEN MORE, as was said in the latest mag editorial...

But thats for the future. Wink
Tutenkharnage - Oct 31, 2003 - 07:42 AM
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As with any rule, omit it from your league if you don't like it. I don't use it in my league, but I have to admit that it works as intended. Whether it's the best solution is a point for debate, of course.

Mestari - Nov 01, 2003 - 05:25 AM
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I've said it before that I like what aging accomplishes, although at first glance I didn't like it. All suggestion that tamper with the AV of players suck for the very reason that it has a far greater effect on the strength teams that having nothing else going for them, and similarly suggestions that increase the lethality of the game (such as my Badly Hurt -suggestion that makes you roll on the SI table for every BH too, with the exception that it can only cause NI's and stat reductions) are prone to destroy the chances of agility teams.
mikeyc222 - Nov 03, 2003 - 03:02 PM
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my biggest problem with it is that our league seems to be REALLY good at rolling snake eyes on a players 1st SP roll. and i mean like 25% of more of players from all teams fail one of their first 2 or 3 rolls. maybe we just all have cursed dice, but we have a hard time keeping players on our teams long enough to have them progress much.
noodle1978uk - Nov 04, 2003 - 04:06 AM
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Ah. We chucked it out on the first skill, and started on a 4+ on the second...
Khaine - Nov 04, 2003 - 10:26 AM
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Our league will be starting january of 2004 and we are now playign some "pre-season" games using the aging table modified so that starting at 3rd roll it's a 6 then 5 for next skill then 4 at next then 3. Why you may ask? Because if you get hurt before you get decent you weren't all that great of a player to beging with and I like to see blood bowl players as crazy/tough/athletic/generally 'ard. Why would someone who meets any of these qualifications end up hurt the first time they learn how to throw a decent block or help out a team mate on the line while pushing their assignment'd facemask into the dirt. People may say I'm a bit soft of the ladz in the league but I believe a game should be fun and as long as everyone has the same rules, I don't see what it hurts.
mikeyc222 - Nov 04, 2003 - 12:23 PM
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well, i understand what you're doing...but if you're gonna use aging, you might as well use the vanilla rules. the rules you guys have don't seem to "fix" the problem aging was designed to address. it actually kinda seems the opposite... not that i like aging rules mind you!
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