NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - CAN CON 04 - WOTS THE WORD?

Elan - Nov 10, 2003 - 06:58 AM
Post subject: CAN CON 04 - WOTS THE WORD?
??? INFO ???
??? TEAMS ???
??? RULES ???

This time I have actually booked the damn airplane so ConGoode and I will be there! Trophy Very Happy
cataphract - Nov 17, 2003 - 02:27 AM
Post subject:
I'll be there to defend my MOAB title! Though I might be playing necromantic... I mean werewolves.... werewolves!
Elan - Nov 17, 2003 - 05:25 PM
Post subject:
Cataphract: Thanks for the hint, I must remember to bring the poisoned steaks with me ..... and Zara with her stakes for the rest of your team!
cataphract - Nov 17, 2003 - 08:22 PM
Post subject:
mmmm... steak
Babs - Nov 19, 2003 - 02:25 AM
Post subject:
I Guess that's the idea - they're poisoned Cataphract - so don't eat them.

Sorry about being a bit slow to post here - but what info did you want?

Official teams for CanCon2004 will be the OFFICIAL teams for Blood Bowl. Nothing More and nothing less.

But the good news is some of the teams allowed at MOAB are now (as soon as the rules review is finished) will be official.

Also - have a scrounge around my old & dusty website for old & new Cancon info I think I've got a flyer for CanCon up (the one in the booklet but in colour).

I do apologise about the price though - but Cataphract you can only gloat a little bit - o.k.?
Elan - Nov 24, 2003 - 05:21 PM
Post subject:
      Babs wrote:
I Guess that's the idea - they're poisoned Cataphract - so don't eat them.

Gee Babs, thanks for telling him - now I will have to try another cunning plan ... has anyone got the number for the local dogpound?

I got the bit about only OFFICIAL TEAMS - will wait until the new rules are out before determining which team I select to be destroyed in a humiliating manner at CanCon.

Re the price .. we understand that the cost aint your choise Babs, that's the CON element of the name. Been going for years, costing more for less every time ..... Rolling Eyes
Babs - Nov 25, 2003 - 01:35 PM
Post subject:
Official rules ARE out - see for details. They are the rules we will be using.
cataphract - Nov 25, 2003 - 03:42 PM
Post subject:
What?? 0-2 wights?!?! after all that converting! damn you mendooooza.... oooooh claw.... I like claw... claw's better than RSC
Elan - Nov 26, 2003 - 09:15 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Babs!

Now that Zara can play, watch out little necro-coach. Playing with real live breathing gals is so much more fun than necrophilia ... ummmm. It wasn't me officer! Embarassed
cataphract - Nov 27, 2003 - 08:47 PM
Post subject:
yeah, you can waste all that money frebooting her then she gets clawed! CLAAAAAAAAAAW!
Babs - Nov 30, 2003 - 11:13 PM
Post subject:
Be aware there are some small changes coming (they were typos).

One's with the Nurgle team - they can't get other big guys.

Ones with '3 on the LOS' - it won't be a forced loss.

There are others..... Most of it's what we'll be using however.
anthrax - Dec 01, 2003 - 04:51 PM
Post subject:
i'm looking forward to it already, need to get CovertFuns pretty elf lasses painted up soon tho!

Having looked over the rules, i likes em, esp dropping to 2 wights for undead and necro, i also think CLAW is worse than RSC, but mainly because i don't like having my players injured =/

when can we start signing up?
Elan - Dec 02, 2003 - 01:19 PM
Post subject:
Anthrax, go to the Cancon website, I entered myself and congoode about a month ago .... we did not want to miss out! Smile

Although, it looks like my Ogre will be missing out on Cancon - poor bugger has been delisted from my Orc team due to BBRC changes. We ritually sacrificed three elves and a few hobbits, but Mork and Gork did not strike down the rule change and Bruce'n'Throrg is out of Brute F'Orcs. Skull Skull Skull

Brute F'Orc are now actively recruiting for a troll ... where did I leave that figure? what colour troll ... where did I leave the paint? Question

Ah hell, maybe I will take a different team .... Rolling Eyes
anthrax - Dec 02, 2003 - 05:22 PM
Post subject: for those who were wondering - last i checked it wasn't up yet. Sending in my application later in the week. It is saturday-sunday-monday isn't it?

wooohooo cancon!

I will be bringing my friends Dark Elves, they are just so much more fun than my stupid chaos! Which will be coming along, and availible for trade if anyone has an elfy team they don't want anymore Smile
Elan - Dec 03, 2003 - 04:32 AM
Post subject:
Yummy! Dark Squishies - the other other dark meat!

Obviously the threat of my stakeout has scared you off fielding dead dudes! Of course, having started this I will end up barred from the con for having an Ogre in my Orc team or something similar!

Looking forward to meeting ya at the Con Anthrax .... Orc
Babs - Dec 08, 2003 - 01:42 PM
Post subject:
It will be great getting to see you all in person (again, for some).

I'll get rules onto my site ( sometime within the next month - I'm on holidays as of Friday.
MikVT750C - Jan 07, 2004 - 04:21 AM
Post subject:
I'd love to be there if there is still a position, I can register tomorrow. I hope I'm not to late!

I have my MOAB wooden spoon to defend. Laughing
Elan - Jan 07, 2004 - 05:14 PM
Post subject:
After following Carlton in the AFL, I am hoping not to win another wooden spoon at CanCon - so .... Mik - you can hang onto it as far as I am concerned! Rolling Eyes
Babs - Jan 14, 2004 - 04:21 PM
Post subject: Official TOurnament RUlebook Mark III
The official Tournament PDF is finalised at:
(finally, after many changes. Was finalised today. please grab the new version and let people know it's been updated)

You can get registration sheets from:

And we're all ready to rock and roll.

Places are filling very fast! There are less than 17 open spots left (out of 32)
MikVT750C - Jan 17, 2004 - 01:27 AM
Post subject:
Babs, do you want us to bring boards for this one? Or are we covered?
Babs - Jan 21, 2004 - 01:04 PM
Post subject:
If you can bring boards that'd be great! Better too many than not enough!
Elan - Feb 04, 2004 - 04:27 PM
Post subject:
CanCon was a most excellent experience and Babs' organisation (and assistant) ensured this! Thanks dewd!!

As usual Melbournites romped home with all of the top placings, and all players in the top half of the ladder at comps end!

Babs, you gunna do a league wind up and post on this one? Maybe the ladder/placings? Your thoughts?
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