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Strategy and Tactics - I need help

CoachGrodd - Nov 10, 2003 - 11:29 AM
Post subject: I need help
I'm heading into the second week of play in my local blood bowl league, and I'm in a pickle. My team:

2xS. Vermin
1xG. Runner w/ Pass block
1xRat Ogre (don't laugh, he's usefull against elves)
5xLine Rats

Has to play against a wood elf team that got absoulutely obliterated with casualties last week. He's only going to be able to field 6 elves for the game, but two or three of them are war dancers (one of which has strip ball, meaning I can't run the gutter runner into their back field with the ball) will be playing me with 2 rolls on the handicap table. This makes me nervous. This makes me think I have a decent chance of losing despite a 6 on 10 advantage. This makes me sad.

Dave - Nov 10, 2003 - 01:00 PM
Post subject:
make a wide cage.

a centre one with the ball carrier in it, a ring around that square to make sure there's a lot of dodges to be made before he can leap in.
if he fails, fooul him 'till he's off

use the RO as much as you can .. kill them all should be the way to go.
LouisX - Nov 10, 2003 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
Make him roll dice. Always put a player in contact. Never leave him alone. He will have to dodge or get powed Wink

On the other side, i'd let him attack if i had the choice. Keep the rat ogre in the back field.

But, i wouldn't foul. I know i'm a bit sentimental though Wink
SuM - Nov 11, 2003 - 10:00 AM
Post subject:
You are nervous over this???

Man you are Blessed!!!

There is nothing to worry about.

Worst that could happen, is some of your player will sit out the 1st drive...
Ok, let him score on you...

Then RACK UP the TouchDowns... Just me, you are sitting on a chance to pile up the SPP, and a chance to hurt some more W. Elves!!!
jmccubbin - Nov 11, 2003 - 10:10 AM
Post subject:
As a avid skaven player who hated his games against woodelves. I am happy to assist.

Play a deep defense. 3 players on line, then 3 players 2 rows back, then 3 players 2 additional rows back, then rat ogre. That way when he gets the ball you can swam whatever comes down field. Once you have ball switch to offense below.

On offense, build a cage and pound him as much as you want until you need to score. If you play offense on first drive, don't score until play 7 or 8.
CoachGrodd - Nov 12, 2003 - 07:23 PM
Post subject:
Ok, maybe I was a bit worried over this for nothing. Although his handicap rolls on me were pretty harsh, and my team did everything in their power to lose the game (4 1's in a row trying to pick up the ball with a gutter runner) we still won 2-0. I now have 3 players that should be getting skills sometime soon, and the g. runner who's 2 td's puts him close to his second skill.
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