NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - Successful Illawarra Tourney.

Cthulhu-gump - Nov 11, 2003 - 11:02 PM
Post subject: Successful Illawarra Tourney.
Our first 'Gong BB Tournament was held on Sat the 8th. Some Highlights I saw were the Skaven getting hurt by a new beginner, The Dwarves pounding the Dwarves and a ball the just would'nt land in one square but had to bounce off half a dozen heads first, however I wont tell everything and I'll let others can fill you in about their games. Let me say that I though it was a great day and I think everyone had lotsa fun. The competition was really close but the sportsmanship was still really high and the atmosphere fairly relaxed.

It was run from my garage (it was our first try at running a larger gameday) and we had 10 players plus myself and Chris who were running it. We Charged $10 a head for the day, but that covered everyones munchies and their lunch for the day, it was also able to cover prizes.

Most of the games were fairly close ones but in the end the prizes went to:

1st Place to Barks - The Bearded Barfighters (Dwarves)
Best and Fairest to Chunky - Oonas Grundaladz (Orcs)
Most Brutal Player to Sangraal - The Zeteic Elench (Gobbos)

After 1st place there was a 3 way tie for 2nd by Chunky, Sharky and Crusader. Also I special congrats go to Pancreasboy who in only his 2nd and 3rd games of BB ever managed to pick up 3rd place!!!!

Anyway, I hope everyone had fun and that we will be doing it again sometime soon, maybe even bigger next time. Ive also attached the address for the pics of the day.

Thanks once again to those that came along. Very Happy
Babs - Nov 19, 2003 - 02:29 AM
Post subject:
Excellent work.

Sounds like you had a great time!

Will it be an annual event? That is, can we get some NAF support along for next year? You never know - I and some sydneysiders might even get down the f6 and attend if it's a one day only event!
Cthulhu-gump - Dec 03, 2003 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:
We're looking at a 6 montly event, we've got a few ideas of where to run it next time as although the location (my place) was ok if it gets any bigger we're definitely going to have a problem.

We've been offered support from the local GW store with advertising and have also been offered a church hall and some space at the local Uni, so we're looking into these.

Babs thanks for the offer, we'll definitely discuss it. Very Happy I'd be interested in seeing what having NAF support would mean for the day, if your interested in sending me some info, send it to this email address:

Babs - Dec 08, 2003 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
So when would the next one be?

I'll definately get onto your email with details sometime soon.

Remind me if I aven't done it by Christmas.
Cthulhu-gump - Dec 11, 2003 - 01:52 AM
Post subject:
We're thinking some time in maybe March or april, not too sure yet.

But I will let you know. Very Happy
Babs - Dec 13, 2003 - 01:25 AM
Post subject:
Please do. The more notice the better. I am already booked up until the middle of Feb.
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