NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Sweltering heat

jejaatin - Nov 12, 2003 - 08:40 AM
Post subject: Sweltering heat
Swelterin heat says that you must roll a dice after a touchdown to see if your players get a heatstroke or something, but wouldn't you have to throw the sweltering heat roll after half-time also, or is it just as it is written, and players only collapse after a touchdown, but not after a half ends?
Dave - Nov 12, 2003 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:

THey have plenty of time to recuperate during the half time tea break.
Tutenkharnage - Nov 12, 2003 - 10:14 AM
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As a basic rule of thumb, I read any "after a touchdown" text in the LRB as "at the end of the drive." That's how it's all intended, for simplicity more than anything else. This may be an exception, but I doubt it.

SBG - Nov 12, 2003 - 01:36 PM
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So you mean we have to roll at the end of the half, Chet?

Tutenkharnage - Nov 12, 2003 - 02:06 PM
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      SBG wrote:
So you mean we have to roll at the end of the half, Chet?

That's what I'd say. It's been added to the RR's FAQ, so it should be sorted out when we publish the results.

zeuzism - Nov 12, 2003 - 04:32 PM
Post subject:

Roll a D6 for each player on the field after a
touchdown is scored.

Does that mean that it only aplies to players that were actually on the pitch at the end of the drive? Or to all players that were on the pitch during that drive (even if you were knoked out or pushed out during that drive and missed the end)? Or maybe it aplies to all players, on or off the field?
It's not clear to me...
What do you guy's think?
tnx, Sanne
Zombie - Nov 12, 2003 - 05:37 PM
Post subject:
I've always played that you don't roll for it at the end of a half. This makes more sense, because as was already said, the players had enough time to recuperate inside and get plenty of fresh water.
Zombie - Nov 12, 2003 - 05:40 PM
Post subject:
      zeuzism wrote:
Does that mean that it only aplies to players that were actually on the pitch at the end of the drive? Or to all players that were on the pitch during that drive (even if you were knoked out or pushed out during that drive and missed the end)? Or maybe it aplies to all players, on or off the field?

Only players who were on the field at the ned of the drive. The others got plenty of water and recuperation time.
Sputnik - Nov 13, 2003 - 08:42 AM
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I always wondered how a skeleton could be affeced by this event. Shocked

But maybe it only complicates the game! Very Happy

Same with lizzies in a blizzard....

SBG - Nov 13, 2003 - 09:15 AM
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I agree with Zombie here: I think that at the end of the half, players get proper attention (some gatorcade, a few bananas...) so that the effect of swelthering heat is canceled. Anyway, we played like that in our league.

Tutenkharnage - Nov 13, 2003 - 11:58 AM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
I agree with Zombie here: I think that at the end of the half, players get proper attention (some gatorcade, a few bananas...) so that the effect of swelthering heat is canceled. Anyway, we played like that in our league.

Just curious: did you allow all KOd players to come back automatically?

Zombie - Nov 13, 2003 - 01:45 PM
Post subject:
KOs are a different story entirely. A KO is much more dramatic than just being tired from the heat. Players will sometimes miss the entire game because of a KO suffered on the first turn.

Swealtering heat only affects the players who were on the pitch at the end of the drive (it says so in the rules crystal clear) and can only keep them out of the next drive at worst. They're garantied to come back the other drive if they're out in this one.

So a KO is hard to recuperate from, and gatorade won't do it. But swealtering heat just means you need one turn on the bench to gather your energy, that's all. The halftime break is more than enough in this case.

Besides, the rule has always been written that way, and nobody ever complained about it. Why? Because it makes sense!
jejaatin - Nov 14, 2003 - 12:29 AM
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"Because it makes sense"? Is something really making sense in BB rules? I don't think that the ordinary real world logic can be applied to a game like this. I mean take a look at the interception and pass sequence...
Tutenkharnage - Nov 14, 2003 - 06:30 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie69 wrote:
Besides, the rule has always been written that way, and nobody ever complained about it. Why? Because it makes sense!

No, the rule hasn't always been written "that way." The rule says you roll after a touchdown - which means that if the first half ends on a touchdown, you make the roll. That's obviously inconsistent. It's up to the league to decide which way to flip that inconsistency.

Your league has decided that halftime equates to recuperation, and that's cool. Others have certainly done the same. My league and others have sided with history, that's all. Almost all references to end-of-drive sequences in the vanilla 3E set declared "after a touchdown." GW issued repeated rulings that changed these passages to "at the end of a drive," which made the application universal.

So if "no one ever complained about it," it's not because the rule has always "made sense." It clearly doesn't as written:

* First half ends on a touchdown: Roll for sweltering heat.
* First half ends without a tocudhwon: Don't roll.

An official ruling will clarify the issue later this year, which will solve this discrepancy. And, as always - if your league doesn't like it, don't use it! Smile

SBG - Nov 14, 2003 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
      Tutenkharnage wrote:
      SBG wrote:
I agree with Zombie here: I think that at the end of the half, players get proper attention (some gatorcade, a few bananas...) so that the effect of swelthering heat is canceled. Anyway, we played like that in our league.

Just curious: did you allow all KOd players to come back automatically?


No. But I think they are two different things: KO is a minor casualty, as swealthering heat is only a temporary condition. THis is how I see it, though I may be wrong.

Doubleskulls - Nov 14, 2003 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
      Tutenkharnage wrote:
An official ruling will clarify the issue later this year, which will solve this discrepancy. And, as always - if your league doesn't like it, don't use it! Smile


It is odd. Thanks for fixing it!
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