NAF World Headquarters

Europe - III Campeonato Blood Bowl 2003 en Esplugues (BCN) 13-14 Dic.

Immortals - Nov 12, 2003 - 10:36 AM
Post subject: III Campeonato Blood Bowl 2003 en Esplugues (BCN) 13-14 Dic.
Considered bloodboleros and rompecuellos already we have here like every year our championship of Blood Bowl. Bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!


It will be celebrated days 13 and 14 of December between the 10:00 and the 22:00 (Inscriptions until the 10:30 a.m.)

In BUILDING CADÍ in Verge Boulevard of the Mercè, 1-57, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat. Next to shutdown METER "Dog Vidalet" of line 5. Like? With the official rules of the new box that WorkShop has removed, Swiss System and Rules of resurrection.

It will be a championship NAF?
At the moment we are taking all the necessary steps so that thus it is. As soon as veais to appear the logo of the NAF in our Web, thus will be.

That I need?
Traete the equipment, the dices, desire to play many hours and you in the morning do not forget inscribirte before 10:30 day 13. You can preincribiros by means of

Cost of inscription?
Yes. 3 Euros for all and 2 if you are and the NAF. All the preincritos by means of, will receive a detail surprise in the preinscription.

There is a Web?
Nuesta Web és Aqui you will be knowing the ultimos details and you will be able to see the photos of last editions.


Control of Inscriptions and computerized classification.

In Our Last edition we had 34 Inscriptions to the championship of Blood Bowl, 25 to the Mágic match, 10 to the one of painting. You can see it in the photos of the Web If you recognize somebody preguntadle as it were.

Single there will be Blood Bowl?
No. In addition to the championship, We will have: Match of Mágic

Fast painting i of done scale models.

Match of W40K

In addition, tendremnos our traditional drawings, prick-itch in the parties, service of bar... etc...

First of all, we want to request excuses to TIMUN.

Queremos decir antetodo que la fecha natural del campeonato que llevamos a térmno desde hace años se situa a finales de Octubre. Problemas con la asignación de fechas de los locales municipales nos han llevado a esta incómoda coincidéncia. Quiero aclarar en nombre de la organización de nuestro campeonato, que de haber conocido su campeonato o su fecha hubieramos hecho lo imposible para que ésto no sucediera. Con todos nuestros respetos. Esperamos que os salga todo genial.

Iban Salvador
Club de Rol i Estratègia "Els Immortals" -[/color]
TiMuN - Nov 13, 2003 - 04:20 AM
Post subject:
Iban - i'm afraid this is an international forum, and you must use english or provide with an english translation for foreign people to read.
Immortals - Nov 13, 2003 - 05:31 AM
Post subject: OK
Google is fantastic.
Indigo - Nov 13, 2003 - 05:57 AM
Post subject:
lol that's exactly what I was thinking...
Ancalagon - Nov 14, 2003 - 07:53 AM
Post subject:
spain is different
TiMuN - Nov 15, 2003 - 04:18 PM
Post subject:
      Inmortals wrote:

Considered bloodboleros and rompecuellos already we have here like every year our championship of Blood Bowl. Bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!

that's what we call 'Espanglis' ... cool translation.
Kyrie - Nov 16, 2003 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
There's no need to translate anything, just 'cause BB terms are the same everywhere. But, that "spanglish" is really great.
shutdown METER "Dog Vidalet" of line 5
x'''DDDDD It's supposed that Iban wanted to say sometheing like "Underground (or Tube) Line 5, station Dog Vidalet" , but I don't really know if in Barcelona there's such a popular dog Wink Very Happy
Immortals - Nov 17, 2003 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
"Dog Vidalet" XD oh, no. is "Can Vidalet" sorry. Smile=

well, the translation tools are havig it.
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