NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Regarding $$ and Crowd Injuries

SBG - Nov 12, 2003 - 01:35 PM
Post subject: Regarding $$ and Crowd Injuries
Hi guys!

Last season, we experimented with simple stadium rules : you get a +1 on the winnings table and -2 on Injury roll made by the crowd when you played home games.

I was thinking of something more linked to the FF. For the winnings, I thought that the team with the most FF should get more money. Whatever the difference in FF is, the team with the highest FF would get the +1, whether you play home or not.

For crowd injuries, I thought that you could add or substract the difference to the injury rolls. I was thinking of Difference/2, rounded down. So, a FF 9 playing a FF 8 doesn't modify the Injury rolls by the crowd. But a FF 15 playing a FF 9 would give a +/- 3 to those rolls (+3 to the FF 9, -3 to the FF 15).

Remember, I'm not rooting for this to become official; those are house rules we implement to spice it up a bit more and take into account the FF more often than only on Kick-off rolls.

Good idea or not? Do you think it would be too harsh?

Tutenkharnage - Nov 12, 2003 - 02:08 PM
Post subject: Re: Regarding $$ and Crowd Injuries
Too harsh on the crowd injury roll. As for Gate, a team with a higher FF always brings in more fans - and thus more money - every game. Relative to the team with the lower FF, they'll get more money more consistently. I can't see giving them an extra 10K each game. I certainly can't imagine why I'd give an extra 10K to my league's FF leader every game - and last I checked, I wasi that leader. The top dog has enough benefits, IMO.

SBG - Nov 12, 2003 - 02:18 PM
Post subject: Re: Regarding $$ and Crowd Injuries
      Tutenkharnage wrote:
Too harsh on the crowd injury roll. As for Gate, a team with a higher FF always brings in more fans - and thus more money - every game. Relative to the team with the lower FF, they'll get more money more consistently. I can't see giving them an extra 10K each game. I certainly can't imagine why I'd give an extra 10K to my league's FF leader every game - and last I checked, I wasi that leader. The top dog has enough benefits, IMO.


So you would stick with the house rule we previously had of +1 winnings for home team and -2 to injury rolls on home team, or event that would be too harsh?

Zombie - Nov 12, 2003 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
I think that +1 on winnings in the current monetary state of the rules is too much.
Tutenkharnage - Nov 13, 2003 - 12:02 PM
Post subject:
I agree with Zombie: handing out free money isn't in line with the current rules. If you want to add that for variety in your house league, then +1 for the home team isn't bad. It's equitable, at least.

Regarding pushes into the crowd...I dunno. I doubt that would come up very often. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. If it works for you guys, knock yourselves out! (Or don't, at -2.)

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