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Strategy and Tactics - 2 Amazon Blitzers, w/ Guard Skill...

SuM - Nov 13, 2003 - 02:19 PM
Post subject: 2 Amazon Blitzers, w/ Guard Skill...
2 Amazon Blitzers, out of the 4 on my team, have Guard...
my others:
1 Has +1 AG, and the other still hasn't leveled yet...

What is the best way to uses these players???

Still have 3 on the LoS??? Counting these 2???

or add more to the fight on the front line???
Zombie - Nov 13, 2003 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
The opposite of what you're thinking. Put only 3 girls there, and none of them should be a blitzer. The LoS on defense is the place to put your most expandable players.

Even if you were to put 7 players on the LoS, 2 of them with guard, any decent opponent could figure out a way to block them all with 2 dice. You'd just be giving him 4 free blocks and getting your blitzers hurt needlessly.
Tutenkharnage - Nov 13, 2003 - 03:06 PM
Post subject:
I'd keep the Guards protected in the back of your defensive formation. Let your opponent beat on the three linewomen on the line of scrimmage. Move your Guards into the most advantageous position after you see what your opponent does.

Regarding your front line, you might want to consider developing some Linewomen with an eye to Block and Side Step. This requires one doubles roll, but it's good protection.

SuM - Nov 13, 2003 - 04:38 PM
Post subject:
I see put the Rookie Girls (Fodder) on the line....
Ahhhhhhhhh... I see now...

Over half of my team does have the Block Skill now, counting the Blitzers...

I love Amazons after they get a good amount of SPP!!!
But at the beginning of a season, they get hurt almost as easy as Elf Players, cept the Dodge Skill does help them alot...

As for rolling "doubles", HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
You never seen my rolls before....heheeeeheheeeeee...
I rolled my 1st - 11 just last week...

Thank you Coaches!!!!!
Holleran - Nov 14, 2003 - 01:21 PM
Post subject:
My second game I rolled two doubles for my linos, 1 ST, and 1 AG. Ahahahahahahahah! Anyway, how should I develope my ST4 lino?

And isn't my cheerleader cool?


Head Coach
Herakles' Ninth Labor
Amazon Team
Tutenkharnage - Nov 14, 2003 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
Your ST4 linewoman should get Block next, obviously. Doubles should be spent on Frenzy, IMO. Aim for Tackle and Side Step as well.

As a general rule, I don't comment on androgynous animated gifs Wink

Zombie - Nov 14, 2003 - 08:21 PM
Post subject:
I had a ST4 linewoman in my amazon team as well. Used her mostly as a ball carrier. It's pretty hard to take the ball away from a ST4, block dodge sure hands player in the middle of a cage!

Had an AG4 linewoman as well. Used her as a receiver, and a do-it-all player on defense.
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