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Strategy and Tactics - facing necromantics soon

phinal - Nov 15, 2003 - 12:59 AM
Post subject: facing necromantics soon
got my human team that's getting ready for a bout with a necro team.

he's got a ton of zombies (keeps killing someone each match), two flesh golums, 2 ghouls, 2 wights (both with mighty blow), and a very mean looking werewolf.

now i got 6 linemen (one str 4), 2 blitzers (one str 4 w/ mighty blow), 2 catchers, 1 thrower, and possibly an ogre.

this will give me one str 5 and two str 4 guys against his two str 4 guys ... i think i'll have the upper hand for toughness but with half of his stuff having regenerate i can only kill kill his werewolf or his ghouls since everything else has regenerate. and its nice that those vulnerable guys are the fastest guys he has.

wondering if any of you have some good advice. only other thing i can think of is watch out for is to keep my str 2 catchers away from that big mean old werewolf with frenzy and razor sharp claws.

thanks for the help
Hangus - Nov 15, 2003 - 07:47 AM
Post subject:
use you two str4 guys to hold up the gollums and use your ogre to take out the rest of the team. Don't do what i did and spend too much time werewolf hunting and forget to score a td Embarassed
Darkson - Nov 16, 2003 - 02:13 AM
Post subject:
Actually, I'd use your Ogre and St4 lino to hold up the Golems, and use your Blitzer as the hunter, as he has the better mobility.
Zombie - Nov 16, 2003 - 11:12 AM
Post subject:
Yeah. And he doesn't have bonehead...

And the ogre is better equipped to face flesh golems with AV9 and thick skull.
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